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CouchPotato - Automatic Movie Downloader via NZB & Torrents
Just make sure your SAB login in Settings are correct.
When the NAS supports Python 2.6 you should be able to run it.
Any further info on the Windows Build RB? Smile
Working out some kinks, Wink
Almost done.

Done, gogo test!
Could someone test this build for me please: One-dir Build
I want to make the Windows Build update the same way, the Git version can. But have to make sure it runs like normal.

Let me know the results! Thanks
r18 seems to have found a couple more of my films, but this maybe because torrent is now activated. Smile

It's definitely searching the RSS's without error which is awesome. But it seems to still be using the API (do I need to remove that info from the settings?) -
2:28:11,862 INFO  [app.lib.provider.yarr.sources.nzbmatrix] Searching: http://rss.nzbmatrix.com/rss.php?username=[USERNAME]&term=%2B%22Underdog%22%2A+%2B%22720p%22%2A&apikey=[MYKEYREMOVEDFOROBVIOUSREASONS!]&subcat=42

Using the RSS feeds, you should just be able to use -

I realise it's early days and you only do this in your spare time, which is hugely appreciated and by no means taken for granted (Donation coming payday! Smile)

But a suggestion would be to implement a way to manipulate the search with the criteria for each film perhaps with a new config in the settings page.

Another thing that I noticed, with torrent search activated, it seems to search for all available rips. Which I'm guessing is the last resort? I only get MKV's, but seems as though the torrent will collect anything. Is that correct?

If I'm way off, please tell me. I am by no means at your level and dont want to appear that way. It's just my observations. Smile

Taking a look at your above build now. Smile
I don't know what you mean with the "seems to still be using the API". How would you download NZBs without your username and apikey?

Manipulating searches would be a last resort, I don't want that to be necessary, because if you have to configure searches on every movie, CP would be obsolete, as you're doing to much manually Wink

Torrents do search in the matchin category, but it's a big mess, so there are more results that need to be validates/checked.
I'm trying to use CP to download films using torrent, I've added a few films, Ones which have been released and are available on torrent sites have not been found. The torrents setting is enabled in settings however when i click on the quality bit it says "Found: Nothing found yet" and Finish has a green tick underneath it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
PM me the movie, year + quality and part of the log please.
For anyone lucky/unlucky enough to have an eTrayz NAS, CouchPotato is now available through the APP installer. Although some people are having trouble launching it.
Any news on any more searches apart from imdb?
Nope, not yet.
I'm really busy with school at the moment, so don't want to do to much time consuming features. I rather take the time I have and fix bugs and make searches more stable.
CP does not auto start using the init.d script in ubuntu
CP does not start when I type this : sudo /etc/init.d/couchpotato start
CP DOES start when I type this sudo python /usr/local/sbin/couchpotato/CouchPotato.py -d


what does "/usr/local/sbin/couchpotato/CouchPotato.py" say?
Or the logs.
Hey and tnx for an nice and handy app, having some issues with binding it to a diffrent host then local.
Dunno what i am doing wrong, i set the host to
username = xxxx
urlbase =
port = 5000
host = xxxxx.mine.nu
engine.autoreload_on = False
password = xxxx
server.environment = production
launchbrowser = True

And the i shut down, when i try to start again nothing happens? The program wont start, so i go into the .ini file and change back to and everything is fine.Any ideas?
Anything i should type into urlbase?

system: 64bit win 7

thats not how the host works.
Just leave it on and it will listen to all incoming hosts on that port.
then make sure xxxxx.mine.nu is redirected to your IP. then it will be available on xxxx.mine.nu:5000.
If you want to get rid of the port:
you can either set the port on port 80, if you don't have webserver running already.
or try using something like apache modproxy

The urlbase is for when you use modproxy, but it's for advanced users only, thats why it cant be found in the CP Settings window Wink
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CouchPotato - Automatic Movie Downloader via NZB & Torrents11