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fanart.tv - Request and share ClearLOGO, ClearART and more Fan Artwork / Thumbs
Found this website full of fonts that might used to make logo's

hikaricore Wrote:Rio - Rainbow Gate http://www.thetvdb.com/?tab=series&id=218531

Series is unrequestable, unsearchable, unaddable. :p

Well I just put the id in the search box and it came straight up, clicked add a request, put that you said it was unrequestable, clicked request and it shows up, so not sure what you did wrong
Get and request your ClearLOGOs / ClearART / TV Thumbs / Season Thumbs / Music ClearLOGOs / cdART / Artist Backgrounds / CD Covers from fanart.tv
I did nothing wrong, shit simply wasn't working yesterday. :p
Perhaps thetvdb was unreachable at the exact time of my attempts?
This kinda thing has happened before but it never dawned on me why.
Could be.

I didn't mean you were doing something wrong as if you were a retard Tongue It was a poor choice of words.

What I meant was I wasn't sure what happened so it didn't work for you.

thetvdb being unreachable could be the answer, I'm not really sure.

Did you try putting the id in, or just searching by name?
Get and request your ClearLOGOs / ClearART / TV Thumbs / Season Thumbs / Music ClearLOGOs / cdART / Artist Backgrounds / CD Covers from fanart.tv
Knew what ya meant, just being a pain in the ass. ^_^
I searched by name, id, I even manually entered the id in the url and tried to upload from the mostly blank page that resulted. :p
TheTVDb has been a bit finicky and slow lately so more than likely it just wasn't responding fast enough for the results to render.
Are we allowed to up season thumbs in different languages ?
(I uploaded French and English no ordinary family ones, and only Eng were accepted. Reason for denial : duplicate).
Admin @ Passion-XBMC
(official french community)
Someone probably just didn't notice the difference between season and saison.
I don't think we currently have any way to sort them by language so this could quickly become a mess.
Not that I'm objecting to it but I'm not really sure how we should proceed.
Currently there's no way to differentiate between languages, not sure what would be the best way to do it.

The images scraped from xbmcstuff have some that are in english and french though.

Put it on the feedback list and I'll have a look at it though.
Get and request your ClearLOGOs / ClearART / TV Thumbs / Season Thumbs / Music ClearLOGOs / cdART / Artist Backgrounds / CD Covers from fanart.tv
Btw, I've noticed denials of clearart for not having an outline or a shadow.
If you have recently submitted a quality clearart and had this type of denial please resubmit.
This is not now nor has it ever been a standard, unlike clearlogos cleararts don't (usually) need such things.
A clear misunderstanding of the way things work on the part of a couple mods. ^_^

Clearlogos on the other hand may need a shadow or a glow and can usually benefit from one or the other.
But it's not really a solid requirement and we are usually lax on it as long as the logo is visible on most/all background colours.
Just submitted a Clearart for Breakout Kings -

Is bottom aligned, just has a large 'blend' around it as per -

Had to use the Font in the end and redo it, not over keen on the texture, but tried nonetheless.

Just thought I'd mention it as stringent rules have penalised me a few times for such things! Wink
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Again folks despite the recent rejections on clearart because of a missing glow, a lot of these really don't need it. I'm seeing more and more of you doing this and half of the time it just looks lazy. If you can do a nice clean cut around the characters and logo this is much better in many cases. Smile Thanks for all your contributions.
Noticed a few ppl doing wayyyy too much glow, I normally go for 27 outer glow, 75 to 100 looked like they have a portable force shield, looks horrid.
Yea a little glow is ok too much is ugghh, I usually go with clean or lightly feathered edges myself.
I just don't want a bunch of people getting confused and thinking it's absolutely standard. Smile
Not deny any image for having too much glow or anything but I just don't want it getting out of hand.
There's a problem with the upload box next to the waiting submissions. I tried to upload an edited season thumb (forgot a little thing) by uploading the new one through this box, and I get an error saying it's not a transparent png file.

@hikaricore : please deny my two season 2 thumbs (both english and french). I will then submit the updated ones Wink
thanks !

Show is "No Ordinary Family"
Admin @ Passion-XBMC
(official french community)
Maxoo Wrote:There's a problem with the upload box next to the waiting submissions. I tried to upload an edited season thumb (forgot a little thing) by uploading the new one through this box, and I get an error saying it's not a transparent png file.

@hikaricore : please deny my two season 2 thumbs (both english and french). I will then submit the updated ones Wink
thanks !

Show is "No Ordinary Family"

I just got rid of all the ones you uploaded, send the new one and I'll approve them.
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