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SageTV Integration - Movies and TV Shows archiving compatible with XBMC
armbrusts Wrote:Success!!!

Thanks so much for your effort and time spent here. Now to transcode the collection.. going to take awhile...

thanks again..
Glad it worked out. All this will be handled more elegantly in the next release Smile If not for you, i probably would have not looked back at that code since it's been working for me.

Hey i noticed on your full log that most of your videos are not able to be found in the Sagex lookup. This is usually due to the path in your <SageRecordingDirs> in config.xml not matching what Sage has for the path of the recording. Is this something you expected/know about?
Cannot get valid XML from SageX API. Cannot continue. Cannot use local  path (no local param supplied or local path is equal to default path).  Please check the XML at  http://localhost:8080/sagex/api?c=GetMediaFileForFilePath&1=%5C%5Ctower%5Cdisk1%5CSage%5CTheOffice-CrimeAid-3287729-0.avi
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
I had noticed that, and I did check into one example, and it was in sage... I didn't investigate further.

All the sage recording directories are on an unraid NAS box, so they are all UNC paths. Right now I only put one in the config file. \\tower\disk1\sage

What should I put for the local eqv in this case ? the same?

Actually this isn't entirely true - they are record to a local drive and then moved to the nas, and sage picks them up again there..... Most of the videos were moved to \\tower long ago.

BTW, SAGE-XBMC is running on the same machine as sage.

        <dir local_equiv="\\tower\Disk1\Sage">\\tower\disk1\Sage</dir><!--Examples only, please modify/remove-->
armbrusts Wrote:What should I put for the local eqv in this case ? the same?

Actually this isn't entirely true - they are record to a local drive and then moved to the nas, and sage picks them up again there..... Most of the videos were moved to \\tower long ago.

BTW, SAGE-XBMC is running on the same machine as sage.

        <dir local_equiv="\\tower\Disk1\Sage">\\tower\disk1\Sage</dir><!--Examples only, please modify/remove-->
Yes, if they were moved to the \\tower location, then the warnings make sense.
The local_equiv for the <SageRecordingDirs> is relative to the SageTV recording server. So, if you have F:\SageTVRecordings set up in Sage's recording configuration, then use that as the local equiv. Doesn't matter where you program is running.
Then when the SageX lookup is done, it knows what the real path to the recording is, and can look up the meta data. Even if the recording doesn't reside there anymore, it still needs the original recording path.

Let me know if you have more questions.
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
Hi bradvido88, Question:

if keep_original = "false" should it remove the original recording from the sage recording directory?


        <Group extension="mpg"  manual_archive="true" compression="HandBrakeOptimized" keep_original="false" >                
            <add tvdb="71470">StarTrekTheNextGeneration</add>            

Because it doesn't on my system...

Is there perhaps another setting that overrides it?

armbrusts Wrote:if keep_original = "false" should it remove the original recording from the sage recording directory?

<Group extension="mpg"  manual_archive="true" compression="HandBrakeOptimized" keep_original="false" >                
            <add tvdb="71470">StarTrekTheNextGeneration</add>            
Because it doesn't on my system...

Is there perhaps another setting that overrides it?

I never tested the keep_original=false option in conjunction with external compression.
Looking back at the code, it looks like the keep_original=false option will be ignored if external compression is set.
I've now got a fix for this this on my todo list for external compression, as well as using the original recording as the source instead of a copy of the video in a staging area.

Good find.
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
So, I've got everything working basically right now with this and love it. I have one feature request that would help with my OCD. Specifically, on manually archived shows, could there be an option to put the date the archiving is done on the show name rather than whatever is in the meta data? There's something slightly wrong with the nightly national news having a date on it of 11/8/1970 (or whatever it is).

It's absolutely not a big deal, but you don't want me to have to go into therapy do you? Oo Laugh
pkscuot Wrote:Specifically, on manually archived shows, could there be an option to put the date the archiving is done on the show name rather than whatever is in the meta data? There's something slightly wrong with the nightly national news having a date on it of 11/8/1970 (or whatever it is).
I have the same OCD problem Rolleyes. I've had that idea in the back of my head for a while, just haven't gotten around to implementing it. Look for it in a future release, although I don't know exactly when that will be.
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
pkscuot Wrote:So, I've got everything working basically right now with this and love it. I have one feature request that would help with my OCD. Specifically, on manually archived shows, could there be an option to put the date the archiving is done on the show name rather than whatever is in the meta data? There's something slightly wrong with the nightly national news having a date on it of 11/8/1970 (or whatever it is).

It's absolutely not a big deal, but you don't want me to have to go into therapy do you? Oo Laugh

+1 that would be a big help for the serialized junk I watch that is not tvdb friendly.
How has this gone under my radar for sooo long. I am a SageTV user as well and was involved in a couple of Sage <-> XBMC efforts in the past (old plugins and scripts). None ever got the recordings in the library. I've been thinking for a while now with the improved webserver and such in Sage some talented person could pull it off. I've read the first post and scanned through the thread. I am super excited to try this out!

Could this be made into a SageTV plugin that is configured from within Sage and then let Sage do all the heavy lifting?
I do not want my recordings to be transcoded or moved. I just want to link to them. Am I reading the config.xml right in that I need to use XBMCMySQLServer in order to do that?
kricker Wrote:Could this be made into a SageTV plugin that is configured from within Sage and then let Sage do all the heavy lifting?
I don't currently have any plans to do this, but it's already in Java, so that makes things a bit easier.
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
kricker Wrote:I do not want my recordings to be transcoded or moved. I just want to link to them. Am I reading the config.xml right in that I need to use XBMCMySQLServer in order to do that?
No, just use redirect=true. No MySQL is necessary for that.
You do need to be on Vista/7 tho, because it uses Symbolic links.
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
Cool. I'm getting ready for my first test of it. Since I do not need the mysql stuff, do I remove everything within the XBMCMySQLServer section. Or should I just leave it alone?

I am running with this for ShowFilters as a test run:


        <!-- Group for Redirect/Symlink, for .mpg files, with manual archiving enabled by default (my personal favorite configuration) -->
        <Group redirect="true" manual_archive="true">                    
            <add tvdb="82931" max_tvdb_lookups="5">SidTheScienceKid</add>    
        <!--These titles will never be archived, even if they match a showfilter or a wildcarcd -->
            <!-- only 1 exclude group is allowed, add all your excluded titles here -->
        <!-- If you want to archive all TV Shows that don't match a ShowFilter by using redirection/symlinks, and do a manual archive if tvdb lookup fails 1 times, you could would use -->        
        <add redirect="true" manual_archive="true" max_tvdb_lookups="1">ALL_TV_SHOWS</add>
        <!-- Result = Every episode will be looked up once on thetvdb.com first. If it is found, it will be redirected using symlinks as usual.
                        If it's not found, it will be manually archived as a Special (season zero) with symlinks and xbmc .nfo files -->                                                                                                                        
Yes I do record Sid The Science Kid for my son Wink My guess is this will redirect to all my shows no matter if they have been compressed or not. I do not record any Paid Programming, but I figure I might as well leave that exclusion in there. Does this look right?
kricker Wrote:Cool. I'm getting ready for my first test of it. Since I do not need the mysql stuff, do I remove everything within the XBMCMySQLServer section. Or should I just leave it alone?

I just left mine alone and everything has worked fine.
OK, here's my latest conundrum. I have two shows (This Old House and Ask This Old House) that are aired on different dates depending on your local provider. Both shows are in TVDB, but the original air date is (rightfully so) listed as the first date the show could have possibly been aired. In this case that is a Thursday. My local PBS station shows both shows on Saturday. SAGE-XBMC doesn't match the episode information because the date doesn't match. So unless I allow manual archiving, the show doesn't get transfered.

I'm allowing manual transfers now just to get the show into XBMC, but it would be nice if there was some way to "try harder" to find the episode information. Given the need to find the episode information based on some unique piece of information, I understand why air date is used, and the only thing I can think of off hand is to check maybe four days either side of the current date if there is no match. Of course I can also envision that causing problems.

After all that, I'm not sure I'm even asking for a solution, just noting that for this use case manual archiving might be the only reasonable option available.
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SageTV Integration - Movies and TV Shows archiving compatible with XBMC1