XBMC - The Dharma Guide
Quote:Thanks Henry. I must say this guide helped me out when sorting my library for XBMC. But I must ask, is usenet really worth it compared to torrenting? I mean considering you have to pay (I think?) for usenet.

Yeah, thats what I am considering right now. It seems like everybode is moving to usenet and the new tools are targeting towards usenet.

It is probably more safe to use usenet in most countries since you do not upload anything. On the otherhand, they know who you are and have your credit card number....and when enough people have moved over the suppliers will be targeted by the law.

When it comes to performance my torrent setup with TED. deluge and sorttv works perfectly. The only issue is that ted does not really works headless, I have to start it minimized together with xbmclive.
vikjon0 Wrote:On the otherhand, they know who you are and have your credit card number....and when enough people have moved over the suppliers will be targeted by the law.
That is arguable - it is definetly the safer approach - if you pick a Usenet-Provider who keeps no logs (like Astraweb for example) there is no way, that you'll be targeted.

The Usenet ist much, much, much older then torrenting - people started trading stuff right there. But as of today you won't see any real movement against the Usenet because for the big publisher (like Sony, Ubisoft, EA, etc.) it is nearly impossible to find the source of a binary-post in the usenet, it is even harder to find downloader of this binary-post. And then another thing comes to mind: Publisher had in the past problems with the jurasdiction of the usenet, because it is near to impossible to provide evidence that someone downloaded the files of a NZB (which is a collection of binary-posts) COMPLETELY.
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Quote:it is definetly the safer approach
I agree, and the no-log is the best security of course. My point was only that the suppliers will be targeted as soon as the broader public have moved over. If that targeting will be successful is another matter, the pbay is still up.
Quote:keeps no logs (like Astraweb for example) there is no way, that you'll be targeted.
Ok, but nzbmatrix saves the download nzb history for 24 hours. Perhaps not a legal issue but not ideal for some users Wink
Thanks for this guide! Smile
vikjon0 Wrote:Ok, but nzbmatrix saves the download nzb history for 24 hours. Perhaps not a legal issue but not ideal for some users Wink
Ouh - they do? I wasn't aware of that.

But as you said: This shouldn't be a legal issue as the NZB technically is just a link-collection. So downloading the NZB only, should not arise any problems Smile
Need help? Check out my XBMC Frodo Guide. It contains full featured guides to Sickbeard and CouchPotato as well.

This is just a bump to thank you for this great guide.
I figured most of it out by myself nowadays, but nonetheless this document is very helpful. I'm only at page 4 of reading, but just the keyboard binding section is something I never read in other guides.

Thanks again for putting the time and effort to create this PDF Smile
First, thanks for your guide. Reading this was a lot faster than 'trial and error' in the GUI.

HenryFord Wrote:Give it a go - critic is always welcome, just post what is bugging you.

Possible edits for next revision:
Search "connected right know"
should be "connected right now"

"Before you are adding your TV-Shows to your XBMC"
would read 'smoother' as
"Before adding TV-Shows to XBMC"

In the 'Using advanced “nfo”-files' section, shouldn't the <title> field of the example XML be "Live Free or Die Hard" instead of "Die Hard" ?

Anyway, I'm uninstalling it already. Besides the server not running in fedora (e.g in daemon mode) without the GUI opening and using about half the CPU on a 3GHz quad core, it won't serve FLAC or video files to my Oppo BDP-83 nor to my Onkyo TX-NR807, neither.

Guess I'm gonna have to break down and try that TV-ity app.

Thanks again.
Thanks for the feedback, will change the guide accordingly Smile

Just a heads up: My webserver is down - again. Free Webhosting just isn't reliable at all, I went ahead and ordered a VPS (I wanted to get one in ages...) which will host this site as well - this should do the trick and should fix the uptimes. I will report as soon as I'm finished with moving the site - currently it shouldn't be available.
Need help? Check out my XBMC Frodo Guide. It contains full featured guides to Sickbeard and CouchPotato as well.

Quote:In the 'Using advanced “nfo”-files' section, shouldn't the <title> field of the example XML be "Live Free or Die Hard" instead of "Die Hard" ?
Sorry, the whole thing is for Die hard 1, it is stupid mentioning live free or die hard then writing one for die hard 1. The web address was also for die hard 1

Please replace the whole xml thing with:
<title>Live Free or Die Hard</title>    (Title of the movie)
<set>Die Hard Collection</set> (Set name to which it belongs)
<sorttitle>Die Hard 4</sorttitle>    (Title within the set)

Repeat these steps for the other Die Hard films, re-scrape and they should display as one movie set in your library.

Flirc now has a forum: forum.flirc.tv

Also: Webserver change was successful.
Need help? Check out my XBMC Frodo Guide. It contains full featured guides to Sickbeard and CouchPotato as well.

My Server is currently under maintenance and will be back online in about 45 minutes - please use the mirrors in the meantime.


Well...this was way faster then I expected - I'm back online Smile
Need help? Check out my XBMC Frodo Guide. It contains full featured guides to Sickbeard and CouchPotato as well.


The tk.-domains prove to be VERY unreliable, thus I finally switched to a paid domain (namely .com). If you have any links set to the tk-domain I would suggest that you switch to my new domain, because I will take off the tk-domain soon.

This is the new domain:

I just set it up, so it might take a little while until it is available to you (up to 48hrs, the TTL however is 1hr).

The full link to the XBMC-Guide is then:
Need help? Check out my XBMC Frodo Guide. It contains full featured guides to Sickbeard and CouchPotato as well.

Can I suggest also adding something like Media Front Page to the guide, including setup and reverse proxies.

I personally suggest Deja_Vu's Repo, due to the awesome look, but I don't care, I think it would help make this the defacto, go-to walk-through.
Mhm...valid suggestion, but at this time I don't use any web-frontend, simply because I don't need it Wink
Feel free to write a part on that one, but if you do give me a little heads up, otherwise I am probably going to add this to my guide, but it would take a while - a month at least.

Okay, I will probably go ahead and do the setup for mediafrontpage, but def. without reverse proxies...
Need help? Check out my XBMC Frodo Guide. It contains full featured guides to Sickbeard and CouchPotato as well.


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