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[RELEASE] Rapier 4.00 RC1 for XBMC Eden
nmirza Wrote:1-theme would be great. If i recall correctly in the previous verison (or maybe it was in one of the mods?) there was an option to have a blue/black/grey/white top bar. Can we have something like that back, or a blue/black/white theme please.

I'll see what I can do. I don't want to think about themes until I get an RC out.

nmirza Wrote:2-yes i saw this option yesterday. Can you provide me a link to the older background? i did try to get used to the newer bg, maybe its my tv, but it still seems a bit too sharp and bright, and also when its dim i see alot of layering in the bg. again, maybe just my tv. but i would still like to set the old blue textured bg.

Look in the images folder: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/179871/XBMC/Rele..._v3.06.zip
Stranger Wrote:The people who use my setup are useless at navigating XBMC, even with the great submenu indicators you have made I find myself directing people. Custom home items help split libraries up and provide easy access to every day add-ons. With the kiosk mode disabling the sub-menus (and my friends & families reluctance to use them anyway) I find I need more than four additional home items. With eight default categories on the home page I usualy have to disable most of them and tailor a menu. Here is my ideal set-up:

1. Movies (Disable original item and replace with link to the Movie library's root. I should probably just edit the code for this)
2. HD Movies (Smart-Playlist for HD Movie's)
3. Family (Smart-playlist filters suitable Movies for family)
4. TV Shows (Disable original item and linked to a smart-playlist to filter out Anime & Kids TV)
5. Anime (Anime library separated from TV library)
6. Cartoons (Kids TV & Cartoons separated from TV library)
7. Youtube (Link to Youtube app)
8. iPlayer (link to iPlayer app)
9. Default Music

Although I would be using 8 custom items I would still only have 9 items to scroll though. Obviously this is an excessive approach, I would really appreciate any advice you have on achieving this level of accessibility without the need of some of those custom items and sub-menus.

OK I see. I'll add 4 more custom menu items.
DazNoonan Wrote:Just ugraded to Beta 2, the Thumbnail View for TV Shows seems to be missing and you now only have Icon and Big Icon, List etc.. was this intentional? Could we please have it back as its there when you go down a level to choose the season and without having it there for the actual TV Shows then you loose the feel of fluidness....?


Thumbnail view was never available to TV show banner mode. It's available however when you switch to poster covers.
@Stranger, I thought I had to do heaps of customization for friends and family. I guess if/when your suggestions get implemented, it will make my job easier too!
Macmini Server 2011 i7 Quad Core, OS 10.8.2, Amp Onkyo TX-SR308 USB WD drives 3x2TB TV Samsung Plasma 720p EyeTV Integration
There are only 10 kinds of people in this world, those who understand binary, and those who don't.

activate Wrote:Dude,

1. I have simply copied the folder of an installed version of beta 2 on my mac (stable dharma) over to the nightlies on atv2. Seems to have done the trick. Someone stole my red theme Shocked but thats cool. Am happy with blue.

Yes thats what loggio meant by manual installation, although doing this way some of the scripts needed by Rapier will not be installed. The problem is logo downloader script is not available in the nightlies repo (which is separate from stable) thats why your installation choked.

Colour themes will be back. I want to do that last. Smile

activate Wrote:2. All the suggestions people have are cool. I am happy as long as it as fast as it is. Am a little confused about how to enable the new extra thumbnail and extra fannart views ie. I seem to loose fanart/thumbs when I do it. Not sure if it will download extra images or I have to mannually add them.

You have to manually add them. Do a search on the forums for tips.

activate Wrote:FYI on difference between running on nightlies and stable.

On the nightlies...

1. Installation required mannual copying of preinstalled folder.
2. Skin is slower - though I think this is skin support on the nightlies...and it doesnt bother me, knowing that its a temp situation, though it might be an extended temp.
3. Some features are missing, eg. Movies - recently added.
4. Network settings - Enable http control - It doesn't save. In other words on restart the settings is always turned off. I am assuming this is a nightlies thing.
5. Oh I noticed going from Home-->Videos-->Video Add ons , took me to the library rather than the add ons.

Overall all good and just figuring out the new views! Ta very much :o

Edit: PS. Your new addition of Music Videos fixes the previous issue for me ie. Music videos are displayed as library.

Thanks for the feedback. Smile
Thanks Scarfa and Loggio. I will muck around next couple of weeks with adding the thumbs/fannart.

Now to updating all of my friends to beta 2---->>Nerd
Macmini Server 2011 i7 Quad Core, OS 10.8.2, Amp Onkyo TX-SR308 USB WD drives 3x2TB TV Samsung Plasma 720p EyeTV Integration
There are only 10 kinds of people in this world, those who understand binary, and those who don't.

scarfa Wrote:Thumbnail view was never available to TV show banner mode. It's available however when you switch to poster covers.
That makes sense... I willl enable TV Posters than and that should sort that... Thanks Smile
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I noticed you took my advice and added the sub menu indicator :-) You've done well, it looks good.

However, i realise that if you're showing an "indicator" why not just show the menu?
i know an indicator is more subtle than a sub-menu... but it still occupies the same real estate to some extent.

After using a recent nightly build, it appears that Jezz_X has changed the default confluence look to a horizontal home menu layout instead of the previous vertical layout everyone is so familiar with.

It's cool, i like it... And i noticed that he made the sub menu items "auto reveal'' themselves when highlighting a menu item that has sub menus... I think this is a great way to easily keep things tidy without confusing anyone and not to mention looks good.

Would you consider adding something similar? perhaps removing the menu indicator and maybe add an 'Auto Reveal Sub-Menu: On/Off" toggle in skin settings.

Something along those lines

Just a thought.

Take care,
Not sure if this is possible, but it would be nice if the fanart on the homescreen for tv shows, music and movies was considered different for each menu entry.

For example,

- Enabling fanart for tv shows should only use fanart found in smb://server/tv and below.
- For movies anything under smb://server/movies
- For music smb://server/music


I also noticed that I couldn't add a network location when selecting the "multiimage" option, only local drives were visible despite mounting my server shares in the file manager before hand.

I'm guessing some/all of this stuff is related to xbmc limitations directly, so if that's the case I apologise.
What is the best way to update to the newest Beta2??
Can i install it simply over the beta 1 or should i uninstall it first and then install the beta 2?
is it possible to keep the settings?

I did a q'n'd-mod for clearart showing up in the lower left, including a custom animation and a modification of the logo downloader script call to download clearart.

here are the files, i hope scarfa doesnt mind Smile



Jimmeh Wrote:Not sure if this is possible, but it would be nice if the fanart on the homescreen for tv shows, music and movies was considered different for each menu entry.

Thats difficult because "video" fanart in general (movie and tvshow) is kept in the same directory. the music fanart should only show music related stuff, at least it does for me.

The paths are:
.xbmc/userdata/Thumbnails/Music/Fanart for music stuff
.xbmc/userdata/Thumbnails/Video/Fanart for everything video

You could however manually put fanart pictures in separate folders and select the corresponding folders using the multi-image option...

I love the Rapier skin, and especially the "kiosk" mode.
However, I would like an option to have the "video addons" buttons not to appear in the videos screen.
Since my target HTPC has no networking, it makes no sense to offer connecting to Youtube. It's highly confusing for users.

Could such an option be added? :o

Thank you.
I found an error in the MusicOSD:

The nofocus image for visualization seems to be off:


I just did a fresh install of everything and tried rapier again, and I'm getting the same sorting problem I had last year. This is 10.1 with 4.00B2. Everything else seems to be OK, but the sort/order options are greyed out in my movie listing. AND they are working wrong...

Currently greyed out and say:
"Sort By: name"
"Order By: ascending"

And wrong, because the are sorting by name, but descending (ie. Z is first).

Unfortunately, I can't remember how I fixed it last time Sad
ikarusx3 Wrote:You could however manually put fanart pictures in separate folders and select the corresponding folders using the multi-image option...

Thanks for the clarification, I had a feeling there was a reason it was like that.

I did try to implement your suggestion before my post, but it will only allow local directories. I am unable to point it to an smb share despite having one mounting in the file manager.
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[RELEASE] Rapier 4.00 RC1 for XBMC Eden1