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[ALPHA RELEASE] Welo - a new skin in development for XBMC
krish_2k4 Wrote:^
dude my heart dropped when i read "fuck it", i thought you had given up lol

you ok with the graphic side? i can help you out with the design work if you need it.

From the sound of it, the graphic work was mostly laid out ahead of time. It's coding it all up that's taking the time Smile
krish_2k4 Wrote:^
dude my heart dropped when i read "fuck it", i thought you had given up lol

you ok with the graphic side? i can help you out with the design work if you need it.

Jimmeh Wrote:From the sound of it, the graphic work was mostly laid out ahead of time. It's coding it all up that's taking the time Smile

The Home page, Movies, Music, and one OSD part was mocked up. Unfortunately Welo didn't complete the rest, so we won't see his complete vision.

The rest of the skin design I'm completing as I go along, basically follow Welo's design principle. I expect at some point in the future some parts will have to develop slighty differently, to break up things a bit. Having said that it will def follow the theme and will fit in.

If I run out of ideas or hit any brick Walls, I'll shout for help!!

Cheers. Wink
liquidskin76 Wrote:F*ck it!!!! Angry

I've spent ages looking through my code trying to figure out why recent/random wasn't working for TV Shows. It wasn't displaying the thumb, title, etc. Thought i had messed something, and was racking my brains for a change i may have made.

Anyway, i've just realised my database has gone funky and was causing it!! Rolleyes

Time for a cup of tea i think!

I hate it when that happens...
never really noticed this but the posters view and the posters on the home screen are all squashed. ive posted a screenshot below of what it looks like.


done a quick photoshop job of what the posters should look like when its not squashed but scaled down. obviously the space between each poster is reduced on this but i just wanted to show what the posters should look like when scaled down by height constraining the proportions.


all my posters are 1000x1500.
Thanks for spotting that! Just checked and i think the recent/random poster dimensions are incorrect.

Leave with me, i'll double check and sort for alpha2.

Cheers Wink
liquidskin76 Wrote:Thanks for spotting that! Just checked and i think the recent/random poster dimensions are incorrect.

Leave with me, i'll double check and sort for alpha2.

Cheers Wink

found a few more in the music section.

The album cover are not square and are squashed. and in the "now playing" the album covers are cropped and are also not square. ive posted a screenshot below.


also found that if you go in settings and clean library the "now playing" pops up

krish_2k4 Wrote:also found that if you go in settings and clean library the "now playing" pops up


Ok, sorted that one. The 'allowoverlay' code was incorrect on the dialog xml's.

krish_2k4 Wrote:The album cover are not square and are squashed. and in the "now playing" the album covers are cropped and are also not square. ive posted a screenshot below.


I've double checked and the dimensions are good. Everything is square.

The 'aspectratio' code on the album list view is set to stretch, and on the music overlay it's set to scale. So either code isn't working in this instance. (by the way, i've changed the music overlay to stretch as well.)

Is the album cover square? If it was square, then both code options should more or less appear fine. How does it look in confluence?

@krish_2k4 your screenshots appear to be 16:10 aspect ratio rather than 16:9, I'd guess this is the cause for the incorrect aspect ratios you're experiencing in the skin.

Are you using a computer screen or TV? If computer screen, then that could explain possible 16:10 apect ratio.

Is the problem happening with all your album art / movie posters?

One of the early Welo videos from Hitcher had a Large Posters viewtype for movies, is that likelly to return anytime soon (either in that shape or as a cross between the Posters and Large List views)?
im using my laptop, the screen resolution is 1280 X 800. I use xbmc in fullscreen.
I got a big of OCD with artwork and keep my movie posters at 1000x1500 and music album posters at 600x600

Below are the movie posters and album artwork in confluence (ive posted the same posters as above).
The dimensions all are correct. I have put the screenshots in photoshop to compare with the original poster images (red outlines on the screenshot) and they fit exactly with no cropping and no squashing.



I have tried the "wall" view in Welo and the posters are squashed. the red highlight is the correct dimension when i scale down the original poster over the screenshot.

sialivi Wrote:@liquidskin76
One of the early Welo videos from Hitcher had a Large Posters viewtype for movies, is that likelly to return anytime soon (either in that shape or as a cross between the Posters and Large List views)?

Hey sialivi,

Haven't seen that video. In the handover build that came from Welo/Hitcher that view type hadn't been coded.

Having said that, i will be doing something with some of the views for the next alpha, to help with how the dialog's work that appear at the top of the screen. One of those changes will be an enlargement of the poster view.

I'll provide more details when alpha2 hits the shelf! Wink


Hmmmmm, shit!

The poster and cover sizes come over from the handover build code when i took the project on, so i've never actually looked into as they all appear fine for me.

Leave with me. Let me investigate a bit!


[EDIT:] out of interest, how are they appearing for everyone else?
liquidskin76 am i right in thinking some of the code was copied from Alaska? i remember in the very early release the settings menu was Alaska.

Ive looked at the Alaska revisited skin and compared the posters and screenshots and they all seem to fit with no squashing. (red highlight is the original posters)


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[ALPHA RELEASE] Welo - a new skin in development for XBMC7