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[RELEASE] PseudoTV Addon: Virtual EPG and TV Channel Surfing Script
Based on your pinpointing the error to transparency I took a look into the 720P folder where the skin is located (using the SVN version up-to-date). There were multiple pseudotv xml files in there dating back a couple months, so i deleted them all and updated the SVN to the most recent files and that seemed to do the trick. Unfortunately, since the PVR version is a month behind and I can't update to the most recent version of Eden (tried my own build before without success, so i have to wait for the PVR builds to be updated by Margo); I now get the error "unable to populate channels". So based on that being the error last page reported and you said it needs to be Eden Sept 22nd or latter I guess I am SOL until Margo updates the PVR build for Windows?

Thanks for all the hard work!

P.S. What? Everyone doesn't download EVERY add-onHuh Smile J/K, I don't have them all, but I do tend to try them all at one time or other and delete the ones i can't get to work or don't want, still, probably have 80% or more of them on here.
Thanks a lot, Jason. It's working now, and the new scheduling options are so useful.

Sorry if the issue that I raised locked anyone out of using the plugin until they upgrade XBMC to a newer Eden-pre version.
Oh man...I should have looked at the last page before posting.

@Jason: Can you update the reFocus skin in the stable-pre branch to this version http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3687220/skin.ref...02.0.0.zip ? I've gone ahead and coded the advanced rules window and fixed a few bugs I noticed in the version that currently available.

Do you have any idea when the stable Pre will be released as the next stable release?

I don't expect it will be very long now. I'm pretty happy with the rules that are in there. I just need to do some more bug testing...I know that there are still a couple that I've seen that need to be fixed. I don't want to rush anything...I'll say that I'm shooting for pushing it to the public the weekend of October 1st.
Channel surfing for your video library
Development Blog Repository
Jason102 Wrote:I don't expect it will be very long now. I'm pretty happy with the rules that are in there. I just need to do some more bug testing...I know that there are still a couple that I've seen that need to be fixed. I don't want to rush anything...I'll say that I'm shooting for pushing it to the public the weekend of October 1st.

Welp, There goes studying for this week. Guess it's skin update time!
Nothing to see here....
Invincer Wrote:So based on that being the error last page reported and you said it needs to be Eden Sept 22nd or latter I guess I am SOL until Margo updates the PVR build for Windows?.

I was able to find the two previous builds of PsuedoTV before Jason updated it to only work on builds after Sept. 22nd. Give them a try and see if they work for you. Hopefully they'll hold you over until Margo gets a chance to update the PVR build.



Just remember to do what you did before in regards to the Transparency skin.
Sranshaft Wrote:Oh man...I should have looked at the last page before posting.

@Jason: Can you update the reFocus skin in the stable-pre branch to this version http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3687220/skin.ref...02.0.0.zip ? I've gone ahead and coded the advanced rules window and fixed a few bugs I noticed in the version that currently available.

This version of refocus is still missing a background on the 'info window' and on the EPG Sad Also the text in the info spills out off the screen to the right...
marktuk Wrote:This version of refocus is still missing a background on the 'info window' and on the EPG Sad Also the text in the info spills out off the screen to the right...

Works fine for me. You'll need to make sure you're using the GIT version of refocus though.
1. This is an AMAZING plugin. My library was just getting to the point where it was a hassle to pick something out to watch. Then the sky parted and out of the rainbow came pseudotv. I can not thank you enough for this wonderful plugin.

Ok, so I have been playing with this and at first I thought I was crazy, but I have confirmed that I keep loosing the channels I make. This includes a custom playlist made in XBMC and setting up channels with the app.

I assume I am just doing something wrong, but for the life of me I could not find anything less than 6 months old in this thread about loosing settings. For the love of all that is nerdy, what am I doing wrong?

Thanks again for this awesome app!
Update to scheduling...it should actually work now (maybe). It also resets when the channel does (again, hopefully).

billotronic: I haven't heard of any issues with people losing channels. What PseudoTV version are you using? Have you figured out any situation where this happens? Does it ever work or do the channels always disappear?
Channel surfing for your video library
Development Blog Repository
I am using 1.2.1 and there does not seem to be any rhyme or reason. I first installed maybe 10 days ago... toyed around with the channels and then a few days later noticed they reset. Remade one chan for my adult swim playlist yesterday. All I know for sure was they were working this morning then I came home from work and they were reset. My wife just informed me that she had to hard kill the pc cause it froze up on her. I wonder if that might of had something to do with it.

(I wish she would of told me that earlier)

Now I am going to do some more checking to see if I can make it happen again. Hopefully it is a false alarm.

On a side note, where are the chans stored? Gonna back that up so at least I wont have to start from scratch if it happens again.

[edit] almost forgot, YES IT WORKS!! (storing the chans... long enough for me to go through and tweak info for my movies so they app picks em up better) I LOVE IT! ha... which is why I broke down and posted my issue cause now I can not live without it.
Hrm. Try out the latest stable-pre...there so many changes that whatever you're seeing may have been fixed. Link is on the first page.

Channel data (and all settings) are in XBMC/userdata/addon_data/script.pseudotv.
Channel surfing for your video library
Development Blog Repository
Does this work for ATV 2 sept 18th build of drama. Also, I see people keep talking about Eden. Where does one download that at?
exiledone1 Wrote:Does this work for ATV 2 sept 18th build of drama. Also, I see people keep talking about Eden. Where does one download that at?

If you're using a build from September 18th then you're using Eden and not Dharma. Eden is the next version of XBMC. Any nightly is now being built off of the Eden branch.
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[RELEASE] PseudoTV Addon: Virtual EPG and TV Channel Surfing Script25