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OS X ViMediaManager - Media Manager for Mac OS X!
Well, if it takes it's information from TMDb, it shouldn't be too difficult to add a section.
I've had some plans to add a music video section, i'm just not so sure about where to get information from for pieces like Youtube clips.

Either way it'll be some time in the future before i start on that. Wink
ViMediaManager - The Best Media Manager for macOS
MariusTh86 Wrote:@Prophetizer:
No progress on automatically adding the extra art yet, but it should be ready in the 0.6 release.
And it'll skip the delete prior art dialog when doing a mass search in the next release.

that will be awesome. thanks so much. i've been running ember via bootcamp, and everyday that seems to get worse. i gave up looking for a mac equivalent a long time ago, and stumbled upon this yesterday and it's fantastic. it runs so fast it's great.

i seem to have a weird issue though, it renames files oddly. for instance, Being Human (US) it renamed to Being Hum, any thoughts? not the end of the world as sickbeard handles this anyways, i just delete the rename scheme so it doesn't rename.

i do have one other idea, if i select to download clear art, or any art manually for that matter and there is only 1 available, i think it should just auto save it
Open the item 'Being Human (US)' in the metadata editor and see if any of the titles is wrong.
It's a weird download bug that only seems to affect titles with a '(US)' in the title. I'll have to look and see what's going wrong there.

Auto saving the 1st is fine if there's no prior art for it, but you can't just overwrite an existing image, currently it just pops up the dialog every time, but maybe I can make it smarter like that.
ViMediaManager - The Best Media Manager for macOS
MariusTh86 Wrote:Open the item 'Being Human (US)' in the metadata editor and see if any of the titles is wrong.
It's a weird download bug that only seems to affect titles with a '(US)' in the title. I'll have to look and see what's going wrong there.

Auto saving the 1st is fine if there's no prior art for it, but you can't just overwrite an existing image, currently it just pops up the dialog every time, but maybe I can make it smarter like that.

if there is an existing image i understand, but when i goto get clearart and stuff for shows i don't have an image for, and there is only 1, it would be nice if it just auto saved, like when u do the get metadata option. although, if those were included in the default get metadate, then it would be irrelevant lol.

i'll have to take a look, i think it changed the title and the sort title, but original title was the correct
MariusTh86 Wrote:@ionblue:
Well, it shouldn't be throwing those exceptions at your nose like that, does it happen with specific movies? or just at random? do you think that it can't locate the files on disk or the metadata on the internet?

Hey Marius. I'm pretty certain it was due to not being able to find info on the Internet. I was watching the progress bar closely during import and wherever it got hung up and threw the error, I would relaunch and go to that movie, try to find it and it fails. Then I just modified the name, found it, and moved on.

I finally got through everything though so no worries. But yeah, it shouldn't do that me thinks!

Great work on this man. Will be great to see where it goes.
MariusTh86 Wrote:Well, if it takes it's information from TMDb, it shouldn't be too difficult to add a section.
I've had some plans to add a music video section, i'm just not so sure about where to get information from for pieces like Youtube clips.

Either way it'll be some time in the future before i start on that. Wink

I think this would be great to have. Of course, when you get a chance to do it. I have a couple of concert films and I'd love to have them tagged. Maybe for YouTube clips people can just use your tool to manually enter in the info?

And thanks for thinking about adding in .strm files into the mix!
is there a way to keep it from not renaming files? it will mess up sick-beard. what i do is just delete the $T for instance in TV, but eventually it comes back
Ok so I can't seem to find the solution to this small problem in this thread.

Sometimes, usually with non-English films, when I manually search an IMDB movie code the metadata results come up all blank.
For example:
tt0420116 -


tt0069549 -


tt0105796 -

Is there a way around this?

Thanks a lot.
When a movie lookup is done, it first turns to look at TMDB, and after that it goes to an unofficial IMDB api, if you've enabled ViMM to do so in the preferences, which doesn't have as much metadata.

The three movies you have do not seem to be on TMDB and therefor can't be added, the only way around that would be to go to create a free account and add the movies yourself.
As for me, I need to make a message that tells you to do manually add films to the movie db if it doesn't find one even with an IMDb ID.
ViMediaManager - The Best Media Manager for macOS
prophetizer Wrote:is there a way to keep it from not renaming files? it will mess up sick-beard. what i do is just delete the $T for instance in TV, but eventually it comes back

ViMM only renames folders when you give it the command to do so using the 'Tools' menu and choosing the 'Bulk … renamer' command.
If you don't want to rename your files, just don't press that option?
ViMediaManager - The Best Media Manager for macOS
MariusTh86 Wrote:Auto saving the 1st is fine if there's no prior art for it, but you can't just overwrite an existing image, currently it just pops up the dialog every time, but maybe I can make it smarter like that.

My sugestion is yes-no-always dialog.
My skins:


pecinko Wrote:My sugestion is yes-no-always dialog.

In addition to auto download if there's no prior art and only 1 art is found, this suggestion is a good one for when there is prior art found.
I noted it down in my road map.
ViMediaManager - The Best Media Manager for macOS
Thanks so much for this app, really good work! This has indeed been sorely missing.

I really look forward to being able to view/edit TV episode data. I hope 1.0 comes along sooner than later Smile
MariusTh86 Wrote:ViMM only renames folders when you give it the command to do so using the 'Tools' menu and choosing the 'Bulk … renamer' command.
If you don't want to rename your files, just don't press that option?

oh, well then nevermind i'm an idiot lol, thanks
just received an error. was scanning Anime Get Backers, i selected Fetch Metadata and entered the TMDBiD that it asked for, and while scanning it gave me this error

An exception of class OutOfBoundsException was not handled.  The application must shut down

it happens every time
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