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[RELEASE] PseudoTV Addon: Virtual EPG and TV Channel Surfing Script
RockDawg Wrote:No problem. Again, I'm not real knowledgeable about skinning. I just figured some stuff out while trying to mod skins to my liking. butchabay showed me the fix as it pertaims to Cirrus Extended, and I was able to figure out how that applied to MQ3.

Basically, that is setting the default control whenever the home page appears. In other words it's setting what on the home page should have focus. 4056 is the Startup Assistant in MQ3. I'm not totally sure, and I could certainly be wrong, but I think it is the wizard-like tool that helps you setup MQ3 the first time you run it. I'm not sure how that comes into to play later though. 300 is the id for the horizontal main menu. Obviously, that is what we are wanting to have the focus.

So by changing it, we are saying whenever the home page is loaded, give the focus to the main menu instead of the "Startup Assistant". Like I said though, without me fully understanding what that is, what it's supposed to do or when it's supposed to have focus, it's likely my change broke something. With any luck it's something you'll never use or miss, but you might be missing out on a cool feature of MQ3. I just don't know. I suppose that setting could be a bug that should be permanently changed, but I would trust that the creator(s) of MQ3 know far more about what they are doing than I do.

That's indeed the best method, the creator should see and fix it, i needed to change some more things than that. As the ID will return to show recently added or random items on home. So if you just change the Window ID you'll break other stuff.
Gents, I present you "PseudoTV Network Manager" Big Grin


What this does, is reads your Series folder(s) and enables you to change the <studio> tags VERY easily.
So if you only have 1 or two shows on the TNT Network, and want to send them to your FOX Channel, this is the easiest way to do it.

It's really great to get your channel setup SORTED out quickly and easily.

A) Add a Series folder
B) Create a new channel
C) what network was this series originally
D) what logo is present on the series
E) send to new network dropdown
F) available channels/networks
G) shows on that network
H) shows total
I) channel total
J) status bar (it will tell you if its loading/etc)
K) Cover
L) Show Location

So how does it work?
1) Click (A) to add a series directory. add all your series root paths. (do not add the same path twice)
2) select a channel (F)
3) select a series (G)
4) if you want to change a show's network, click on the blue arrow drop down (E), and send it to another channel
5) you can create new channels by clicking on (B), and sending other shows to it.

Note 1:
When you first load a series directory, there might be some errors if the show does NOT have a <studio> tag.....in which case you should go to that file and add one yourself.
(just add <studio>Syndicated</studio> somewhere in it's tvshow.nfo file)

After you have fixed all the broken tvshow.nfo files, exit the program, re-open, and load all the paths again.
(if you don't fix them, they will be skipped, and not added to the manager)

Note 2:
A file called "network.nfo" will be created next to the tvshow.nfo file, which will contain the Network/Studio name - this is so that if you move shows, you can always see the "original studio" it was at first. You can view this in in the "original network" box ©

Note 3:
This part is optional, as it requires some work!
The "Logo mostly present" Box (D) is used to help you decide which network to move a show to.
For example, you might have a show that contains the "GlobalHD" network logo, but the show was in fact aired on ABC.

the thing is, the manager can't know which logo's are present in your shows...
You will need to scan through a few videos, and create a file called "logo.nfo" in the root of that show, with the name of the channel logo present inside the file.
(It's easier to copy the "network.nfo" file created and rename it to logo.nfo though, as most shows contain the same logo as on which it was aired on)

but yeah, this can take a long time if you have many series, so it's just optional.

It might sound complicated, but it really isn't
Just press (A), load you series directories, and move them using the (E) Dropdown box. :o

You can download it from here:
Keeper Wrote:Gents, I present you "PseudoTV Network Manager" Big Grin



Thanks so much for making this and sharing! I can't wait to give it a spin later today.

Thanks again,
Great little tool Keeper - Thanks a lot. Looking forward to using it this evening.
Keeper Wrote:Gents, I present you "PseudoTV Network Manager" Big Grin

This is awesome! Perhaps start a dedicated thread for it?

On the left (McGyver) I use the word "None" in the logo.nfo file, as there is no logo present on the avi's (its a DVD Rip)

The manager will not flag the boxes if everything seems OK.
If Original Network or Logo are different from current Network, it will turn that box red.

On the right (Life on Mars) I have a Global Network logo in my videos (TV Rip)
So I put "Global" in the logo.nfo file

It takes a while to create these files, but you only need to do it once at least.
This is only optional though. If you dont feel like doing that, it's ok - it will just say "Unknown" in the logo box.
It just helps to make it easier to figure out under which network what series goes, especially if your shows have logo's on them that are different to their "aired on" network.

The "network.nfo" files are created for you when you add your first series folder to the manager.
it's just to backup the "original network" name if you screw up and want to revert back.

Please note that you will probably need to update/re-add your xbmc database once you have finalized your channel setup.

Enjoy you guys Smile
First, I want to say I love this addon, makes it much more fun to watch saved episodes, plus my dad loves it for it's ability to randomly choose episodes for networks, especially for his favority, The Big Bang Theory.

My feature request: I have a number of motorsports races that I get, and most of the time, can't fully watch all the way, so I rely on the bookmarks to pick up where I left off. I have a PTV channel for races though, and if there's a race that I haven't watched yet, and I've tuned to that channel and tune away, the bookmark is now changed, and I have to hunt for where I left off originally (if that channel had that race on at the time, obviously).

My request is to have an option that turns off bookmarking in PTV, if that is possible.
@Jason102. Just gave your range compressor a go, man! What a difference! Works great! Plus it has little/nill overhead(on my setup anyway). Setup the volume levels and your good to go. Good luck with this App! I think it needs more attention than it has. Smile
burnsy Wrote:First, I want to say I love this addon, makes it much more fun to watch saved episodes, plus my dad loves it for it's ability to randomly choose episodes for networks, especially for his favority, The Big Bang Theory.

My feature request: I have a number of motorsports races that I get, and most of the time, can't fully watch all the way, so I rely on the bookmarks to pick up where I left off. I have a PTV channel for races though, and if there's a race that I haven't watched yet, and I've tuned to that channel and tune away, the bookmark is now changed, and I have to hunt for where I left off originally (if that channel had that race on at the time, obviously).

My request is to have an option that turns off bookmarking in PTV, if that is possible.

I think if you set the channel to resume it should solve the problem, under channel rules
Another stab at IceLibrary support is up in stable-pre. Does it work? Who knows, my IceLibrary is just crashing over and over on me right now. Anyway, can someone try this thing out and see if it does anything for them? At best it's still not perfect, but it may work.
Channel surfing for your video library
Development Blog Repository
I've added the fix for megaupload that broke IceLibrary... This is a working copy of IceLibrary.

Jason102 Wrote:Another stab at IceLibrary support is up in stable-pre. Does it work? Who knows, my IceLibrary is just crashing over and over on me right now. Anyway, can someone try this thing out and see if it does anything for them? At best it's still not perfect, but it may work.

nice work!! seems to be working with icefilms now

only small problem is that when the channel is changed to another icefilms show it 1st pops up with the time stamp

is there a way for it to not do this and just go to "full screen" mode

thanks heaps

plus i seemed to notice it always starts shows like 20-30 sec's into them

derekos Wrote:@Saran @jason - Request. Can we have an option or default to trap the PREV MENU in addition to the ESC key for closing the EPG?

Sranshaft Wrote:Sounds great! Laugh
Sounds easy enough and something I've been meaning to do on my personal copy for ages now.

Edit: Here you go mate. Fire up your text editor of choice and open your copy of EPGwindow.py and Globals.py and insert these lines.

For Globals.py:


For EPGWindow.py: Scroll down until you get to def onAction - should be about halfway down.

elif action == ACTION_PARENT_DIR:

Save both and restart PseudoTV. You'll now be able to exit the EPG by hitting the Backspace or equivalent button on the remote. Enjoy!

I can't get this to work...mind fixing this for me? Blush

here are my 2 files:

I'm really not smart enough for this stuff
How can i download stable pre version to try out ice films integration?
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[RELEASE] PseudoTV Addon: Virtual EPG and TV Channel Surfing Script25