Analyze Download directory

I was a long time Boxee user but I want to switch to XBMC now, because Boxee doesn't support the native OS versions anymore, as it seems.
There was only one thing that bothered me with XBMC. I download my TV shows trough RSS feeds. So all the new episodes end up in a directory. Boxee was always able to spot them and correctly recognise them. XBMC never recognised them, I always had to put it into the right directory in the folder structure.

Is this a configuration issue? or is there some way to solve this?
Did you tell it that your download folder was "TV" shows? The regex should find them.
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `xbmc_%`.* TO 'xbmc'@'%';
IF you have a mysql problem, find one of the 4 dozen threads already open.
okey, maybe i used videos, I don't remember anymore, but I will check. This means it will only recognize freshly downloaded tv shows, but not movies. Am I right?
I don't know if i understand you correctly, but afaik XBMC can't pick downloaded files from your download directory and recognize them on it's own.

Ofc it can recognize the individual episodes once the files are placed in the right folder structure, but usually you have to put them there yourself.

Now i use a application for this that automates this for me; SickBeard. It checks my download folder at specific time intervals and if it finds a file that is "recognizable" it will rename the file and place it in the correct folder automatically. Next time you start XBMC it finds the new episode(s) and will scrape it automatically (if you set it to "Update library at startup" ofc).

You can even let SickBeard tell XBMC to auto-update it's database once it's ready with downloading, renaming and replacing the files.

For more information about SickBeard, look HERE.
If you use Windows, there's a good app called TheRenamer that can rename and move TV Shows and Movies into proper directories and naming schemes.

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