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[WANTED] Feedback / Comments / Tips for custom background creation

I just used the better of my day testing out some different skins and "styles" as I've just reinstalled XBMC yesterday and wanted it to differ from the previous one I had installed.

I ended up choosing Aeon MQ 2 (great skin btw) and I created some custom backgrounds. A "moviewall" picture as the main background and then I added different "overlays" depending on which of the main menu items were selected. In this example "animation" main menu item displays different animation characters, my "standup" item displays different comics etc etc.


Since I'm not that good when it comes to the xml skinning itself I have a question for those that may know. The PSD (Photoshop file) I've created makes it possible to change the background (currently: moviewall) and colormaps (currently: sepia/gold). This means if I'd want to change my background I'd have to re-save all the different images (read: different chars, comics etc). What I'm trying to figure out is if it's possible to create a mod that rotates between overlays on a chosen background in XBMC.

Anyways, if the above is possible I'd like to start creating overlays for use in the different main menu genres (movies, tvshows, music etc).

If you want please give me some comments on the above scenario and/or the design/thought in the included pictures? Feedback? Likes? Dislikes? Hugs? Kicks? Icecream?

BTW: If anyone want me to release these sets "into the wild" when I'm finished with them let me know.

BTW2: Also. Keep in mind I'm just starting on this so be kind. Icecream would be nice! | EFnet #EmuXtras
Here is what I was thinking for the tvshows item. As you can see the background (moviewall) is still the main background, but on tvshows it displays polaroids with screenshots/fanart of shows. Atm I've randomized what show is showing in each polaroid (Each polaroid has 2 shows each) and I've saved 25 JPGs which rotates with "background folder". So each time the background changes it will display different shows.


BTW3: This is not a skin "mockup". It's just menuitem-specific backgrounds I play around with as I really enjoy the dynamic feature of the "background folder" rotation and wanted to try something I havn't seen done before other than perhaps a few images.

I was thinking of including 10-30 images pr main menu item to keep it more dynamic. For example on Animation (which is a playlist to all animation related items I have in the database) it displays randomly between 15 or so different images (but on the animation characters change since the background is constant). They also keep the same design.

Now I need some sleep.. Goodnight! | EFnet #EmuXtras

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[WANTED] Feedback / Comments / Tips for custom background creation0