Need some suggestions
Hi, I am a new user to xbmc and this forum has helped alot but I'm getting lost trying to figure some stuff out.
First of all here is what I'm wondering.
1. Is there a way to download music through xbmc, newsgroup or torrent.
2. Is there any hd streaming content.
3. What are the average download speeds, I'm only getting 3mb/s off usenet.

I have darhma 10.4 on windows 7, sickbeard and couch potato working if you need more info let me know, thanks for any suggestions or links to the proper area.
1. No, that's illegal

2. XBMC can play streams, so if you have a provider who offers HD streams XBMC should be able to play them

3. It depends on your broadband connection and the provider you're streaming from. here in the UK HD streaming is usually only possible if you live in an area with good speeds i.e. reasonably near to an exchange.

can anyone recommend a good audio streaming add on? I know there are a few ways to stream tv with add ons but do you know of a hd provider? Is there a way to browse the I Internet through xbmc, I tried the web ui but it doesn't wanna work for me.

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