ATV2 Not loading MySQL library anymore - error upgrading library
Hi All,

I am trying to reinstall the ATV2 with latest version after re-jailbreaking to 2.4.3

XBMC installed, can see sources and play files, but cannot load mysql database (From same machine its loading sources from)

Works fine on Windows 7 machines (x2)

Here is my error log:

I am happy to update the database manually if I have too, I have searched far and wide and cant find a solution, any help is greatly appreciated.

XBMC installed as per instructions here:

and was installed only about 1 hour ago.
Double check your mysql installation and make sure "skip-networking" (or whatever its called) is disabled. Are you able to connect to the db from any other host?
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I havent checked that, but it was working perfectly on ATV2 (same hardware)

I updated to a nightly, then it stopped working, then re-jailbroke etc and still not working.

and yes, I can connect from my laptop with xbmc installed fine.
just checked, skip_networking is set to "off"
When this happened to me, I had to drop my database and start fresh. After doing this, and using the nightly build along with 10.0.9, my ATV2 and Win7 machine running the nightly hosting MySQL worked again.

thanks for that, however i'm not impressed that I would have to do that, the database is VERY large, and I already lost it once changing to the mysql format.

surely this is a bug that can get resolved?
joshuaand Wrote:Hi,

thanks for that, however i'm not impressed that I would have to do that, the database is VERY large, and I already lost it once changing to the mysql format.

surely this is a bug that can get resolved?

Export your library using XBMC on the computer hosting the database. Start fresh in mysql then reimport. Plus, it's always a good idea to backup your database when using nightlies/pre-Eden builds.

Although I believe you only need to install a nightly XBMC on your host computer to get mysql working again.
I just tried setting up MySql for the first time. As soon as I uploaded the advancedsettings XML file and booted up XBMC from my AppleTV, I immediately noticed that the splash screen remained on screen 3-5 times as long as it normally does. When I finally got to the home screen, I saw a database messages that said "preparing" which remained on screen for several minutes while I could not navifate at all. Then it said compressing, still locking me up for several more minutes. Then that went away and I could navigate as normal.

When I sent into settings to import my database, it began the import and just locked up on that screen and never did anything. I force-reset the ATV after giving it an hour to do something, restarted XBMC and dealt with the delayed splash screen/startup/preparing/compressing messages again. I've sinced deleted the advancedsettings XML file.

Anyone have any ideas what the issue could be?
xbmc.log or no soup Smile

update to latest nightly on Windows 7 machine that holds the mysql database also, now it is doing the exact same thing!!!!!

Log file:

so now I have my only two xbmc machines without access to the database anymore Sad
Ok so library is working again on ATV2 after ugprading main windows machine to latest nightly, exporting library, clearing mysql, re-importing.

this is however definately NOT the desired outcome, as I now have my main TV on an unstable nightly build.

downgrading to 10.1 on the windows machine thus renders this useless (cant access library)

I guess I will have to live with the nightly, hopefully the nightly isnt too bad.

I took a look at the log -- I won't bother pasting it because all it says is that it couldn't connect to the database, so something else is up.

I have the database installed to the same server that my smb share is set up, which I do have to enter a username and password to connect to. Do I need to additionally add login parameters to the advancedsettings.xml file in order to connect (so it would have the xbmb/xbmc user/pass for the mysql database and also somewhere the user/pass for the server?) If so (from a mysql n00b) how is that coded into the advanced settings?

If that's *not* the case, even though I followed the instructions exactly from the setup tutorial, any thoughts?

I'm running everything off of a WHS 2011 system, core i3, 4gb RAM, gigabit router, hard-wired, etc.

Many thanks,

*just* in case... here's the portion of the log. :-)

Quote:09:58:06 T:151691264 M:130613248 WARNING: Previous line repeats 1 times.
09:58:06 T:151691264 M:130613248 NOTICE: UpdateLibraries - Starting video library startup scan
09:59:21 T:151691264 M:130371584 ERROR: Unable to open database: xbmc_video [2003](Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (60))
09:59:21 T:151691264 M:130371584 ERROR: Unable to open database at host: db: xbmc_video (old version?)
09:59:21 T:151691264 M:130363392 ERROR: SQL: The MySQL server has gone away
Query: select strPath,noUpdate from path where (strContent = 'movies' or strContent = 'musicvideos') and strPath NOT like 'multipath://%' order by strPath
09:59:21 T:151691264 M:130363392 ERROR: GetPaths failed
09:59:21 T:151691264 M:130363392 NOTICE: initialize done
09:59:21 T:151691264 M:130363392 NOTICE: Running the application...
09:59:21 T:151691264 M:130232320 NOTICE: ES: Starting event server
09:59:21 T:151691264 M:130224128 NOTICE: starting zeroconf publishing
09:59:21 T:167301120 M:130220032 NOTICE: ES: Starting UDP Event server on
09:59:21 T:167301120 M:130220032 NOTICE: UDP: Listening on port 9777
09:59:21 T:167833600 M:130215936 ERROR: JSONRPC Server: Failed to bind serversocket
09:59:24 T:168898560 M:107692032 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
09:59:27 T:168898560 M:108339200 NOTICE: {'unplayed': 'True', 'albums': 'True', 'limit': '10'}
10:00:36 T:804675584 M:108654592 ERROR: Unable to open database: xbmc_video [2003](Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (60))
10:00:36 T:804675584 M:108654592 ERROR: Unable to open database at host: db: xbmc_video (old version?)
10:00:36 T:804675584 M:108654592 NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Starting scan ..
10:00:36 T:804675584 M:108654592 NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Finished scan. Scanning for video info took 01:14
10:00:42 T:151691264 M:108642304 ERROR: Unable to open database: xbmc_video [2003](Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (60))
10:00:42 T:151691264 M:108642304 ERROR: Unable to open database at host: db: xbmc_video (old version?)
10:01:57 T:151691264 M:108601344 ERROR: Unable to open database: xbmc_video [2003](Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (60))
10:01:57 T:151691264 M:108601344 ERROR: Unable to open database at host: db: xbmc_video (old version?)
10:03:12 T:151691264 M:108675072 ERROR: Unable to open database: xbmc_music [2003](Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (60))
10:03:12 T:151691264 M:108544000 ERROR: Unable to open database at host: db: xbmc_music (old version?)
10:03:43 T:151691264 M:116576256 WARNING: Trying to add unsupported control type 3
Quote:10:00:36 T:804675584 M:108654592 ERROR: Unable to open database: xbmc_video [2003](Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (60))
10:00:36 T:804675584 M:108654592 ERROR: Unable to open database at host: db: xbmc_video (old version?)

says it all, database version miss-match.
Gotcha, okay. :-) So I installed mysql from the Microsoft Web Platform Installer. I think it's MySql version 5.1. Is this what needs to be updated? I haven't been able to install MySql from the website on the WHS 2011. I can't launch the Command Line Client, for whatever reason.

Or is this some other issue? (I'm running an XBMC nightly from several months ago on this particular ATV2 device, which I haven't updated because of the scraping issues with the latest official. My other ATV2 is jailbroken with the latest iOS and the latest official and can't even get beyond the splash screen.)

Thanks a lot for your help!


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ATV2 Not loading MySQL library anymore - error upgrading library0