SVP support?
Is it possible to use SVP with XBMC?

I'm testing this right now with MPC-HC on my Laptop with a fixed refreshrate of 60 Hz and it works very nice!
Yes, possible. But with DSPlayer or DSCodec build's.
Go to, i'm answer you questions in Windows section of forum.
Picking up this old thread.

Is SVP already possible with the internal player of XBMC? I need the internal player of XBMC because it support dual audio output ( that I need but I would also like to use SVP.
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Unfortunately not. The internal player uses the built-in decoders, nor as to intercept the flow so that it can not handle the SVP.
I have to get smoother playback, the video settings for all included deinterlace the video, and now it is the frame rate is doubled.
Certainly not the same effect as from the SVP but even so looks much nicer than the usual video.
No updates of SVP implementation in XBMC?
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