How to get XBMC on ps3?
Hi all, I ask too much guidance on how to get this great program into my ps3. :confused2:Nowhere I can find. Many thanks in advance for any help.

I apologize for my English, I translated in google.
snake33 Wrote:Hi all, I ask too much guidance on how to get this great program into my ps3. :confused2:Nowhere I can find. Many thanks in advance for any help.

I apologize for my English, I translated in google.

It does not work. Incompatible, as far as I know.
If you can use Google to translate, you can search this board for PS3. Basically the answer is that if you want XBMC on PS3, you'll have to do the port yourself.
XBMC on another machine can act as a UPnP host of your XBMC library to a PS3 I believe but you don't get any of the nice views of XBMC just the crappy default menus on PS3. Same as any other DLNA type program would work.

So if your point is just to be able to play some video on your XBMC system in another room that only has PS3 in it, you can watch video formats PS3 supports but the interface will be ugly. You'll soon want to buy an ATV2 or cheap ion box.

Alternately I think I read the guy who coded tvheadend the PVR app was also working on making his media server app like XBMC for PS3. Not sure what the status of that was.
Acer Revo 3610 w/ Ubuntu 10.10, Giada Cube Win 7, 2 ATV 1's one w Crystal HD card, UnRaid server w/ SAB/SickBeard/Couch Potato/Transmission, MacBook Pro, Hackintosh Dell Mini 10v
Step 1) Place Apple TV 2 on top of PS3.
Step 2) XBMC is now on PS3.
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `xbmc_%`.* TO 'xbmc'@'%';
IF you have a mysql problem, find one of the 4 dozen threads already open.
seand Wrote:XBMC on another machine can act as a UPnP host of your XBMC library to a PS3 I believe but you don't get any of the nice views of XBMC just the crappy default menus on PS3. Same as any other DLNA type program would work.

And crappy they are!
darkscout Wrote:Step 1) Place Apple TV 2 on top of PS3.
Step 2) XBMC is now on PS3.

That should be in the wiki! Cool
darkscout Wrote:step 1) place apple tv 2 on top of ps3.
Step 2) xbmc is now on ps3.

hahaha :-d
darkscout Wrote:Step 1) Place Apple TV 2 on top of PS3.
Step 2) XBMC is now on PS3.

D00D! He wants to get XBMC into his PS3.
Hamilcar Barca Wrote:D00D! He wants to get XBMC into his PS3.

Follow PS3 Disassembly Instruction.
Remove XBMC innards.
Place ATV2 inside PS3 shell.
Re assemble PS3 shell with ATV2 inside of it.
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `xbmc_%`.* TO 'xbmc'@'%';
IF you have a mysql problem, find one of the 4 dozen threads already open.

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How to get XBMC on ps3?0