Navigational sounds
xbmc is awesome but the only thing it lacks for me is navigational sounds. like when you press a button have it play a sound and maybe certain sounds for entering diff menus.

ive searched the forums for this request and haven't saw it anywhere.

right now the only thing i can seem to accomplish sound wise is using python script to do a startup sound. but as for button presses ive tried just about errything and no go. i have the new cvs and thought the xbmc.playmedia would help in keymap.xml but it doesn't Sad

hope to see this in a cvs soon
thnx again xbmc team for this awesome app.

i searched this forum for: navigation and sound

found this topic and one other:

searching works Smile make sure to search from the beginning. maybe that is what you missed.

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yeah i must have not ticked the from beginning.

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