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I've had a cascade of failure with running VIMM lately.  I am really puzzled.

First I was unable to scrape just one TV show - popup said it can't find the show, although it is on TVDB.  I thought maybe it was the TVDB change, and tried every few days or so.  After a while VIMM would give the spinning rainbow when this happened.  Various things stopped working in VIMM, and it couldn't find any show or movie.  I deleted all the files mentioned in the user guide (made a script for this I'll show below).  That didn't work.  I progressed to deleting everything including the app, and reinstalling.  No joy.  I added restarting the computer to the process.

I just did all of that, starting completely from scratch, a few times.  What happens now is, when I navigate in setup to Movies or TVshows, and click "Open", a popup says "File not found".  Then when I finish setup and try to Update the list to see shows or movies, I get the spinning rainbow and have to force quit.

As I say this is crazy strange, as this version ( v0.7α21 ) worked before.

Here's the script I use to automate the cleaning process.  It will retain your Studios folder if you have one.  It does not delete the app itself.
In terminal, type "sudo ", then drag the script file in.



# Remove preferences file

rm ~/Library/Preferences/com.vidalvanbergen.vimediamanager-alpha.plist

# Remove CrashReporter file

rm ~/Library/Application\ Support/CrashReporter/ViMediaManager*

# Remove contents of ViMediaManager folder,
# but protect Studios folder if it exists.
# Two ways to do it.

# mv ~/Library/Application\ Support/ViMediaManager/Studios ~/Library/Application\ Support
# rm -R ~/Library/Application\ Support/ViMediaManager/*
# mv ~/Library/Application\ Support/Studios ~/Library/Application\ Support/ViMediaManager/Studios
#    OR . . .
cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/ViMediaManager
find . -maxdepth 1 ! -name Studios ! -name . -exec rm -rv {} \;
cd ~

# Remove savedState file

rm -R ~/Library/Saved\ Application\ State/com.vidalvanbergen.vimediamanager-alpha.savedState/

# Remove Caches folder

rm -R ~/Library/Caches/com.vidalvanbergen.vimediamanager-alpha/

# Find and remove the playlist file

find /private/var/db/BootCaches -name *vimediamanager* -exec rm -v {} \;

LibreELEC 10.0.4 * ViMediaManager or TinyMediaManager | Raspberry pi 4b
Sharing media from NAS via NFS (optical out to receiver, HDMI to TV) | TV remote with CEC / Bluetooth keyboard
(2019-12-19, 03:51)Glorious1 Wrote: I've had a cascade of failure with running VIMM lately.  I am really puzzled.

First I was unable to scrape just one TV show - popup said it can't find the show, although it is on TVDB.  I thought maybe it was the TVDB change, and tried every few days or so.  After a while VIMM would give the spinning rainbow when this happened.  Various things stopped working in VIMM, and it couldn't find any show or movie.  I deleted all the files mentioned in the user guide (made a script for this I'll show below).  That didn't work.  I progressed to deleting everything including the app, and reinstalling.  No joy.  I added restarting the computer to the process.

I just did all of that, starting completely from scratch, a few times.  What happens now is, when I navigate in setup to Movies or TVshows, and click "Open", a popup says "File not found".  Then when I finish setup and try to Update the list to see shows or movies, I get the spinning rainbow and have to force quit.

As I say this is crazy strange, as this version ( v0.7α21 ) worked before.


I'm experiencing exactly the same problems (v0.7a21) on macOS 10.14.6. I too have done complete removal/re-install. I've also skipped the wizard to add the media sources manually via preferences, but after that when trying to update list/fetch metadata I get the beachball of death and have to force quit. And if I want to try an use VMM again I'd have to reboot.
(2019-12-20, 19:22)shardlojik Wrote: I'm experiencing exactly the same problems (v0.7a21) on macOS 10.14.6. 

Forgot to mention I'm on macOS 10.13.6 (High Sierra).
LibreELEC 10.0.4 * ViMediaManager or TinyMediaManager | Raspberry pi 4b
Sharing media from NAS via NFS (optical out to receiver, HDMI to TV) | TV remote with CEC / Bluetooth keyboard
Not sure if OS version might have anything to do with it. The only thing I could find was that authentication to the TVDB API v1 seemed like it might be failing, so I went ahead and converted searching, fetching series info and episode info to the new v3 API in hopes that it might help.

To that end, please test out the build below and come back to me with any problems you might find! There are some big under the hood changes that I need to know if they work correctly, or at all. Wink
ViMediaManager - The Best Media Manager for macOS
(2019-12-22, 01:18)MariusTh86 Wrote: Not sure if OS version might have anything to do with it. The only thing I could find was that authentication to the TVDB API v1 seemed like it might be failing, so I went ahead and converted searching, fetching series info and episode info to the new v3 API in hopes that it might help.

To that end, please test out the build below and come back to me with any problems you might find! There are some big under the hood changes that I need to know if they work correctly, or at all. Wink

Mixed results I'm afraid. On the media source selection part of the wizard it no longer comes up with the "File not found" error, so that's good. But once you've set the media sources (via wizard or manual preferences) and then ask it to see what's out there it's back to the beach ball of death and force quit. As you've mentioned the TVDB stuff, I tried with just Movies configured but got the same result.

It shouldn't make a difference, but my media is on a NAS drive. When I first hit these problems I also tried some media on the local drive but got the same problems.
(2019-12-22, 16:37)shardlojik Wrote: It shouldn't make a difference, but my media is on a NAS drive. When I first hit these problems I also tried some media on the local drive but got the same problems. 
It does make a difference.  For me, the new version works (mostly) on the same computer but not on the local network.  Your experience may have been different because you didn't clean up completely before trying on the local drive.
LibreELEC 10.0.4 * ViMediaManager or TinyMediaManager | Raspberry pi 4b
Sharing media from NAS via NFS (optical out to receiver, HDMI to TV) | TV remote with CEC / Bluetooth keyboard
(2019-12-22, 01:18)MariusTh86 Wrote: To that end, please test out the build below and come back to me with any problems you might find! There are some big under the hood changes that I need to know if they work correctly, or at all. Wink

Thank you for the new version, @MariusTh86.  I spent quite a while with it today.

I was able to scrape a TV show on a local drive, but couldn't succeed over the local network, which always has worked in the past.  I can add the source fine over the network, but it gives the spinning rainbow when first trying to update the list.

After scraping on the same computer, the list updated fine. But when I went to the Episodes window, then hit 'Show' on the first season, I got the Feedback Form popup.  I can cancel that, and then get a popup with "Due to an unexpected error, this application might have become unstable, do you want to continue using it?".  I can continue to use the app.

I found that several more pieces of VIMM weren't cleaned out as I was doing it and are preventing recovery if they are left behind.  Buried out in the /private/var wasteland, in addition to the playlist, was a directory ending in 'alpha'.  When I saw it it was empty, but presumably it has some significance and should get deleted.

Also I found this ~/Library/Cookies/com.vidalvanbergen.vimediamanager-alpha.binarycookies and a few other things less likely to cause trouble.  I'm pasting an updated that deletes all this stuff. 

In summary, I found two issues:
1. Episodes manager is choking when it tries to show episodes.
2. Networked sources, when attempting to update the list, cause fatal failure.

Side note: I tried to make a backup of the prefs before doing anything VIMM didn't handle well, then copying them after deleting everything.  However, VIMM just freezes on opening then.  I guess it needs prefs and something else to be matched.

Updated script to do complete cleanup (does not delete the application):
Copy into text file named:
Make executable: chmod 755
Place in /usr/local/bin/
Run with: sudo


# Remove preferences file

rm ~/Library/Preferences/com.vidalvanbergen.vimediamanager-alpha*

# Remove CrashReporter  and Diagnostic Reports files

rm ~/Library/Application\ Support/CrashReporter/ViMediaManager*
rm /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/ViMediaManager*
rm ~/Library/Application\ Support/CrashReporter/ViMediaManager*

# Remove binarycookies file

rm ~/Library/Cookies/com.vidalvanbergen.vimediamanager-alpha.binarycookies

# Remove contents of ViMediaManager folder,
# but protect Studios folder if it exists.

cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/ViMediaManager
find . -maxdepth 1 ! -name Studios ! -name . -exec rm -rv {} \;
cd ~

# Remove savedState file

rm -R ~/Library/Saved\ Application\ State/com.vidalvanbergen.vimediamanager-alpha.savedState/

# Remove Cache folders

rm -R ~/Library/Caches/com.vidalvanbergen.vimediamanager-alpha/
rm -R ~/Library/Application\ Support/ViMediaManager/Cache/

# Find and remove the playlist file and
# com.vidalvanbergen.vimediamanager-alpha
# in private/var/folders

find /private -name *vimediamanager* -exec rm -rv {} \;

LibreELEC 10.0.4 * ViMediaManager or TinyMediaManager | Raspberry pi 4b
Sharing media from NAS via NFS (optical out to receiver, HDMI to TV) | TV remote with CEC / Bluetooth keyboard
@shardlojik Under 'Preferences' > 'Extras' could you see if the 'Show poster images in the media list' is turned on, and if so, try turning it off to see if it helps and get back to me?

@Glorious1 Could you send me the error reports?
ViMediaManager - The Best Media Manager for macOS
(2019-12-22, 23:56)MariusTh86 Wrote: @shardlojik Under 'Preferences' > 'Extras' could you see if the 'Show poster images in the media list' is turned on, and if so, try turning it off to see if it helps and get back to me?

@Glorious1 Could you send me the error reports?

Another small step forward. Clean install, turn off "show poster images", add media in preferences (skipped wizard), In Movies selected update list, got distracted for a min or two and then looked back and it had populated. Went to TV, tried to update list and it hung and required a force quit.

Removed preferences plist, started again, didn't seem to be doing anything, looked at Sets Manager and TV guide, went back to Movies and it seemed to be OK. Added TV media via preferences, go to update list and another hang.
(2019-12-23, 09:42)shardlojik Wrote: Another small step forward. Clean install, turn off "show poster images", add media in preferences (skipped wizard), In Movies selected update list, got distracted for a min or two and then looked back and it had populated. Went to TV, tried to update list and it hung and required a force quit.

Removed preferences plist, started again, didn't seem to be doing anything, looked at Sets Manager and TV guide, went back to Movies and it seemed to be OK. Added TV media via preferences, go to update list and another hang. 
Is this on attached drive or over the network?
LibreELEC 10.0.4 * ViMediaManager or TinyMediaManager | Raspberry pi 4b
Sharing media from NAS via NFS (optical out to receiver, HDMI to TV) | TV remote with CEC / Bluetooth keyboard
(2019-12-23, 18:22)Glorious1 Wrote: Is this on attached drive or over the network? 

That was on a network drive.
(2019-12-24, 08:56)shardlojik Wrote: That was on a network drive. 

I found that, with the latest build that @MariusTh86 sent me a link to, several problems I had previously were resolved.  As for updating/populating the list on a network source, I found by accident that it actually does work for both TV and movies, it just takes much longer than before.  It appears to be hung, with spinning ball (no progress shown), but if I wait long enough (as you did with movies), it works.
LibreELEC 10.0.4 * ViMediaManager or TinyMediaManager | Raspberry pi 4b
Sharing media from NAS via NFS (optical out to receiver, HDMI to TV) | TV remote with CEC / Bluetooth keyboard
(2019-12-24, 16:18)Glorious1 Wrote:
(2019-12-24, 08:56)shardlojik Wrote: That was on a network drive. 

I found that, with the latest build that @MariusTh86 sent me a link to, several problems I had previously were resolved.  As for updating/populating the list on a network source, I found by accident that it actually does work for both TV and movies, it just takes much longer than before.  It appears to be hung, with spinning ball (no progress shown), but if I wait long enough (as you did with movies), it works. 

You obviously have more patience than I do when debugging! But the good news is that worked. I just left it alone for an hour or so and it picked up all the metadata/files etc and is now a lot more usable, thanks!

It's still not quite up to where the 32bit build was for me, in that it seems somewhat sluggish and the beachball makes frequent appearances. The most jarring problem now is for a TV series I've added/updated in the 64bit build if I use show in Episodes then it'll throw an unexpected error and bring up an error report submission (which I've filled in and sent). Anything done previously in the 32bit build works fine.
(2019-12-28, 15:45)shardlojik Wrote: The most jarring problem now is for a TV series I've added/updated in the 64bit build if I use show in Episodes then it'll throw an unexpected error and bring up an error report submission (which I've filled in and sent). Anything done previously in the 32bit build works fine. 
Hopefully @MariusTh86 won't mind if I post a link to the Dec. 22 build that fixed that problem for me, and a similar one for the metadata editor.  I'm not saying I have patience for the network performance, but it eventually does work.
LibreELEC 10.0.4 * ViMediaManager or TinyMediaManager | Raspberry pi 4b
Sharing media from NAS via NFS (optical out to receiver, HDMI to TV) | TV remote with CEC / Bluetooth keyboard
(2019-12-28, 15:45)shardlojik Wrote: The most jarring problem now is for a TV series I've added/updated in the 64bit build if I use show in Episodes then it'll throw an unexpected error and bring up an error report submission (which I've filled in and sent). Anything done previously in the 32bit build works fine. 
Hopefully @MariusTh86 won't mind if I post a link to the Dec. 22 build that fixed that problem for me, and a similar one for the metadata editor.  I'm not saying I have patience for the network performance, but it eventually does work.
LibreELEC 10.0.4 * ViMediaManager or TinyMediaManager | Raspberry pi 4b
Sharing media from NAS via NFS (optical out to receiver, HDMI to TV) | TV remote with CEC / Bluetooth keyboard
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