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OS X ViMediaManager - Media Manager for Mac OS X!
smilenkovski Wrote:Talking about movie sets, VIMM gives error reading EMM nfo's with movie sets code. It gives Invalid xml data error.

Ups. I've just updated to last beta and no more errors on movie set code.

Since I didn't have movie sets to test with, I didn't see that I had written some faulty code regarding sets, but thanks to some user input i've been able to fix it Wink
ViMediaManager - The Best Media Manager for macOS
Just a question. According to the XBMC Wiki all image-naming(poster.jpg fanart.jpg folder.jpg) have lower letters in their names. In ViMediamanager they all get capital letters (Poster.jpg Fanart.jpg Folder.jpg). Will this be an issue later on?
Beta12 is the cat's meow. A few minor gui things like maybe a fetch all button on the main page would help.

How goes the tv show changes? Any idea on scraping for plot/vid cap from thetvdb.org for each individual episode?

That's the one thing holding me back from using VIM for TV.
Hi Marius.
Is there any batch proc for downloading clearart or tv thumbs for a portion of TV shows. Not one neither all shows but selected ones.
Many of us have extrathumbs folder in our movies databases which some skins uses in some views (which is nice). Can we expect to have extrafanart folder with VIMM cause extra thumbs are random extractions and quality of images depend on movie resolution (which is not always 1080p). Despite, fan art could be better solution. So, not only to download one fan art per movie but to create folder and download user definable number of images.
I highly doubt XBMC will distinguish between capitals or lower letters in future versions, especially for something like images, so I’m pretty sure we’re save as is.

I’ve got as a goal to include individual episodes before I make it to a full version 1.0.
But for v0.5, my main goal was to make the current features stable, and hearing the recent reports it seems I’m very close to that goal, so I may go on to tv episodes soon. Wink

As is, if you scrape with ViMM for a tv show, XBMC will add any episode, and use the TVDB to download episode information for any episode you have using an episode guide URL that’s included with ViMM’s scraping, so you shouldn’t miss out on anything weather you use your TV shows with ViMM now or later.

ClearArts, Logo’s and TV Thumbs are currently not auto downloaded because they’re from a different website then the TVDB’s, I may create an extra step in the future, inside the program to automatically download the first ClearArt, Logo or TV thumb available on scraping a tv show.

Using extra fanarts instead of extra extracted thumbs for now is an interesting idea, I’ll note it down and see if I can use it.
ViMediaManager - The Best Media Manager for macOS
MariusTh86 Wrote:@NiklasK:

ClearArts, Logo’s and TV Thumbs are currently not auto downloaded because they’re from a different website then the TVDB’s, I may create an extra step in the future, inside the program to automatically download the first ClearArt, Logo or TV thumb available on scraping a tv show.

+1 That idea.
@MariusTh86: The latest beta (b12) is the fastest and most stable yet... Kudos! I was wondering if in a future update you could implement a custom NFO creator so one could generate a NFO file (title, plot, runtime, actors, director, poster etc.) for movies and tv shows that aren't know to IMDb/TMDb/TVDb. That and NFOs for tv episodes (which you're already working on) are the only 2 things missing from this awesome piece of software as far as I'm concerned!
I was thinking the same thing as billywanzi was... Although you can add basic metadata through the button on the dashboard.

I have loads of home movies and some downloaded videos (like training stuff from Creative Live) that would be cool to customise. I think the ability to add custom images for the various types might be useful as well. I know images can just be add via the Finder et al but if you're in a manager app that handles the action for other files why not have it do things for you?
billywanzi Wrote:@MariusTh86: The latest beta (b12) is the fastest and most stable yet... Kudos! I was wondering if in a future update you could implement a custom NFO creator so one could generate a NFO file (title, plot, runtime, actors, director, poster etc.) for movies and tv shows that aren't know to IMDb/TMDb/TVDb. That and NFOs for tv episodes (which you're already working on) are the only 2 things missing from this awesome piece of software as far as I'm concerned!

Doesn't it create an NFO file for you if you manually edit the metadata? I would think it should. It properly updates the existing ones if you manually edit the metadata.

I checked the code and that is how it works.
i814u2 Wrote:Doesn't it create an NFO file for you if you manually edit the metadata? I would think it should. It properly updates the existing ones if you manually edit the metadata.

I checked the code and that is how it works.
I thought ViMM only generated NFOs for movies/tv shows it found via IMDb, TMDb and TVDb and not for 'unknown' media? Where can I generate a NFO for an unknown movie/tv show (again: meaning a movie/tv show that doesn't show up in one of the databases)?
billywanzi Wrote:I thought ViMM only generated NFOs for movies/tv shows it found via IMDb, TMDb and TVDb and not for 'unknown' media? Where can I generate a NFO for an unknown movie/tv show (again: meaning a movie/tv show that doesn't show up in one of the databases)?

Highlight the movie on the left, then click the metadata button (looks like the "i" info button).

You can manually edit the information, and when you click save, an NFO file will be generated.

As pointed out, you will have to manually place images in that folder, however.
Yeah Marius...You are damn close with 12....
Feature change request:

When multiple items are found (during mass updating), before simply settling on the first returned option, it should check the list for a better match first.

Here's my example:
Fist of Legend (1994)
The Legend of Drunken Master (1994)

Searching the first movie manually shows that it results in both movies as potential matches. However, for some reason, "Drunken Master" is listed first; that entry is chosen. Searching for the "Drunken Master" results in just that option, so obviously it is chosen.
That leaves me with two movies that are labelled as the same, but obviously they aren't. The key to this one is that the match should work pretty easily, as the results were identical to my filename structure, minus the extension of course (simply: "Fist of Legend (1994).mkv")

Also, I agree with a previous request that the artwork should be overwritten. At least when manually searching, provide an option to have it overwritten.
i814u2 Wrote:Highlight the movie on the left, then click the metadata button (looks like the "i" info button).

You can manually edit the information, and when you click save, an NFO file will be generated.

As pointed out, you will have to manually place images in that folder, however.
Sweet! I didn't know that was possible as well... Thx ;-)

EDIT: It works as advertised, but I can't seem to find the box for the runtime of a movie...
I also have <movie>-poster.jpg in my folder (of a recently scraped movie) instead of just poster.jpg, as the preferences pane shows. I'm fine with that, as long as xbmc is fine with it. but just pointing it out since it doesn't match.
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