Library mode disabled - Using NFO files and MySQL

As per the title I have just setup MySQL as XBMC's database. I have .nfo files in each of my TV folders (and one for each episode) which were created by Media Companion.

If I turn off the MySQL database I am able to view my files in Library mode but when I use MySQL I cannot.

Any ideas?
I'm not sure what you mean. If you disable library mode you will not use the mySQL database and file mode doesn't use nfo files

Out of interest - what is the path to your TV source? Is it an SMB address or a local address?
Openelec on ASRock ION 330 / Kodi on Win 7 PC
Hi Rocketpants,

I'm TRYING to use Library mode but unable to do so. I have NFO files in the directories that I want XMBC to convert into the Database (like it does when I don't use MySQL).

At the moment it doesn't seem to be doing that.

The path is currently local (this is on my main rig with the files and the MySQL database). It probably needs to be a SMB share to work on other computers though right?
I had the same problem when I first set up XBMC with MySQL and local paths. I removed the local paths from XBMC, cleaned the library, and used SMB and it fixed it for me.

That worked perfectly... what a strange bug!

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Library mode disabled - Using NFO files and MySQL0