GT430 Resolution Issues...
So, I'm having a few issues setting the correct resolution on my GT430 for HD playback.

First off - please forgive me, HTPC newb...

I have an oldish TV -

When I try and switch my resolution to 720p (1280 x 720), my desktop does not fit the TV screen well. It's too big for the TV actually, and stretches out the screen too much.

The only way to center my computer on my TV is if I keep it at 1024x768. But then I'm not sure if this can be classified as HD anymore?

What I'd like is to have it at 1280 x 720 and fit the TV screen perfectly. Is this possible?

Can anyone please be of assistance? I tried tinkering with the nVidia control panel to no avail.

Thanks in advance.
well, look, it says the widescreen SHARP AQUOS LC32D43U fully supports up to 720p (1280x720, progressive)
so it should, however, it may not too,,

lemme explain, i had that issue too with my Philips 1080P HDTV...
i set my desktop resolution to 1920x1080 but it was too big like you,,,

thing is, your TV needs a auto SCAN feature or it may be called different,
that will auto-adjust the screen to make everything fit!!

My Philips HDTV didnt had that feature!!
i had to return it to walmart and i picked up a SAMSUNG HDTV 1080P
which i knew had that feature ,,,
you can see here

from there, everything was perfect and fitted very well at 1920x1080!

now, check if your HDTV has such a feature,
heck, even call them on the phone if u have to!

but if it doesnt have that feature,
you'll need to play with your Graphics card (nvidia control panel)
and use the ARROWS to adjust screen size manually,,,

good luck!
I might be barking up the wrong tree, but how is the TV connected to the video card?

If it's not, try HDMI...

You may also want to try to set the native resolution of the TV, which appears to be 1366x768. The TV might do some odd stretching of its own if given the opportunity.
Thanks guys.

I checked the manual for the TV, and the only way to re-calibrate / auto scan was by utilizing the VGA connection.

So I whipped out the VGA and plugged it into my TV and re-calibrated. Then I went back to HDMI connection (doesn't give me the option to auto sync)...and it went back to what it was previously.

So eskro, I went with your advice, and I just adjusted it manually. I think that's the best I can do before my TV bites the dust and I can get a new one.

Thanks for your help. Now to figure out how to get TrueHD :-)
ask user named bluray, he's the True-HD guru Smile
had this issue too, I have to go through my settings to figure out what I did as a workaround right now. I will try to get back to you tonight.
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Just looked through the settings menu on the the TV.
I have my Samsung set at '16:9' see if your TV has that option. The 'Fit Screen' setting did not work for me. Using even the hdmi the connection designated as 'PC' resulted in the reduced resolution as you mentioned.
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