Silverlight Stream extraction
I am a newbie at this but I would like to know how I can extract a xbmc compatible stream from this:

Sorry to start a new thread but I hope to get some responses.

Your example stream has the following url which contains of two parts:

The first part can be retrieved from, the second part is dynamic and is calculated by the silverlight player.
This player has a special extension xap. Xap files are actually zip files that contain of an appmanifest.xaml (useless for us) and several dll files (compiled .net libraries). If you manage to decompile these dlls you will maybe find out how to create the second part of the stream url.
So is it even possible? I don't think I can get around decompiling, I am not that code savy, I thought there would be an easier way to handle it.

has ppl been able to extract silverlight kind of URL and integrate into xbmc?

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