XBMC AppleTV 2 Jailbreak 4.3

i have Problems. A MKV File over 5-6GB cant correctly Play.
Every 2 to 3 minutes, he renders the films.
I Use WLAN with 54Mbit.

I've seen some other people with the 10GB Wi-Fi could MKV files play correctly.
Does anyone know the problem?

Well, a few things:

-mkv is just a container, what matters is the video encoding of the file inside. h.264 will be hardware accelerated and generally speaking, people have little issues playing these files. If it's another format that has to be software decoded, it puts a stress on the ATV that may cause bufferring
-Are you running the latest nightly? There is no stable version of XBMC for ATV, so updating to the latest nightly is the best way to get all the fixes/improvements

Basically, read the stickies at the top of the forum (updating to latest nightly, etc) and retest. If you're still having issues, the stickies will also tell you how to report your problem with the correct logs. You'll also want to report the media info of the file you're trying to play.
In case people don't know what stickies are, these are the instructions on how to post a problem properly:

Thanks for the quick reply.
The new update yesterday, I loaded it on my AppleTV. Despite problems.
I've read the last few hours and found no solution. Of course the stickies.

Do you have problems with MKV from 6GB?

I have found this:

I resolve this problems edited my smb.conf from my samba server and added this two lines :

kernel oplocks = No
oplocks = No

Is this my answer? Big Grin
i have try my best.

I uploaded new update today now third Of November.
Nevertheless, I still have the buffer problem.
I noticed that I stream via ABF at longer need to.
Have now been tested and PS3 server MediaMaster server.

It must somehow be possible to fix the problem. Are some of the stream MKV without problems

Log: http://pastebin.com/Zyv1WFyv
54 Mbit wireless is to slow to play that file. It's a 1080P MKV?
Use a wired network connection if possible.
No 720.
I have see so many guys can Play 1080 (10GB) perfect!
ensy3k Wrote:No 720.
I have see so many guys can Play 1080 (10GB) perfect!

but not over 54mbit wlan ... max they have luck and it works an an n-wlan (150 - 300mbit/s).

54Mbit is to slow. Remember these are brutto data rates. The netto is around 20mbit/s if you have good wlan components and your air isn't crowded by other wlans.

Also the atv2 wifi chip sucks. So what Dixon Butz said - get wired...
AppleTV4/iPhone/iPod/iPad: HowTo find debug logs and everything else which the devs like so much: click here
HowTo setup NFS for Kodi: NFS (wiki)
HowTo configure avahi (zeroconf): Avahi_Zeroconf (wiki)
Ok, thanks for information. 720 should be able to run without problems?
Can you tell me briefly how I get my movie list on Home Movies?
Use Aeon theme there will be shown on Home Movies, and there are the movies that are equipped with covers.
When I go I get these folders using AFP. Now I go over Mediamaster HTTP server and it will give me nothing of this source appear in movies.

Thanks for the help
720p content using h264/x264 codecs work fine over a wired connection for me (atv2 wired into router, but the video files are on a wireless 802.11n connected Macbook Pro).

In my experience, it seems you can get away with one wireless hop (in my case the laptop to the router) but not so much with two wireless hops (i.e. laptop to router and atv2 to router gave me some issues so I switched the atv2 to a wired connection, btw atv2 reported to have a crappy wifi card which is likely why putting it on a wired connection helps so much).

Not sure about your other question(s).
720p over a wifi works fine.
But 1080 Buffering..

and my Problem is with APF Protocol .. Buffering so much..
Over the HTTP Protocol is better!
ensy3k Wrote:720p over a wifi works fine.
But 1080 Buffering..

and my Problem is with APF Protocol .. Buffering so much..
Over the HTTP Protocol is better!

Your atv2 is connected via WiFi I assume, are your video files also on a WiFi connection?

Using HTTP eh, interesting, don't think I've heard of anyone using it yet. Usually the common alternatives are WebDAV or FTP (and a few brave souls not afraid to get their hands dirty using NFS).
iMac OS Lion Share with Media Master Server. (DAV)
iMac is connected with Wifi and My AppleTV with Wifi.

I would naturally look for other alternative proposals.
Possibly. then runs even better.
As I said in my over APF it is not good at all.
ensy3k Wrote:iMac OS Lion Share with Media Master Server. (DAV)
iMac is connected with Wifi and My AppleTV with Wifi.

I would naturally look for other alternative proposals.
Possibly. then runs even better.
As I said in my over APF it is not good at all.

Get rid of at least one of the two WiFi pathes (i suggest to get a wire between atv2 and router). I know most people don't understand why it works with http or ftp but not with other protocols. But this is out of our scope.

Fact is - most successfull users wire their stuff via ethernet. And beside that i sadly can't suggest using AFP (see the first sticky thread in this forum for why). So i guess sooner or later you'll get problems with AFP too (mostly crashes ...).

So for Mac users with LION the NFS path seems to be the most stable - but on the other hand most non-dev-hightech-super-duper-it-users struggle alot with setting it up. For a first hint see the nfs wiki link in my sig if you want to try it (just follow the path for snow leopard which is good for lion aswell).
AppleTV4/iPhone/iPod/iPad: HowTo find debug logs and everything else which the devs like so much: click here
HowTo setup NFS for Kodi: NFS (wiki)
HowTo configure avahi (zeroconf): Avahi_Zeroconf (wiki)
It's worth taking the time to put ethernet behind every TV in the house.... For me, Wireless N does work for 1080P videos, but the moment someone else in the house presses refresh or tries to download something it buffers.

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XBMC AppleTV 2 Jailbreak 4.30