Android Remote Bug
I have tried everything but I am not getting any positive results. Movie cover art is not working fine on my Android Xbmc appz. On Windows 7, I was able to get the matching movie information and sometimes, when it is requires, change the cover art to get the English version. When It populates on my phone, the covert art is accurate on 50% of the movie(movie list main screen) , but 100% accurate when I click on the movie itself(the information screen for each movie). Is there an update or refresh that I need to do?

Thank you
I fixed it.

It was a trilogy(Blade 1, 2, 3) and the 3 movies where in the same folder.On Android Xbmc, 2 movies had the same cover(not on Windows 7 xbmc) I created a folder for each movie and it fixed the problem.

Thank you

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