PulseBox Review?
Hi Guys. I'm still faffing about trying to decide what HTPC to buy or put together. Having ditched the idea of needing S5 cold boot from remote, and not wanting any build hassle, this looks the likely contender.

Before committing and buying one (hopefully near Christmas), does anybody on this forum actually have a Pulsebox they could share their thoughts on? Cheers!
hi just bought one for someone I know, not that keen on the looks, but boots up very fast probably about 10-15 secs, loaded with the content plays everything I have thrown at it, only issue is with the keyboard i got with it (not the remote) Support is very good, and hopefully the new software in a couple of days will sort that. If you are looking for a an out of the box HTPC with no configuring, I would highly recommend it, as well as the price, which I thought was really good, Hope that helps


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