The new Lenovo HTPC
Anyone know anything about this?
bluedevil229 Wrote:Anyone know anything about this?
it's brought up in the last two post here- IdeaCentre Q180 - 31102BU.
>Alienware X51- do it all HTPC
>Simplify XBMC configurations
>HOW-TO Bitstreaming using XBMC
I refused to watch movie without bitstreaming HD audio!
I think it looks decent for a small style box. Two options one comes with more ram/dvd drive and the other doesn't.
Looks decent, i agree, but still, i wouldnt get one,,, but thats me
I don't know that might be a nice little box for a bedroom... anyone know if the 2.13GHz Intel Atom dual-core CPU is able to run Silverlight (Netflix) and hulu desktop smoothlyHuh
HuLu, yes, NETFLIX NO!
I just cancelled my Netflix. As soon as I set up SABnzbd and Sickbeard and set all of my TV shows up I stopped using Netflix. The best part of is how much easier XBMC is to use now that I don't have to wrestle with Netflix.

I'm really eyeing this Lenovo... a few of these in the house - one at each TV, and a central DB would be fantastic!

Also, Netflix is going to have to dump Silverlight sooner or later.
thezlog Wrote:I'm really eyeing this Lenovo....

well get it now, its $35 + free shipping with eCODE black friday promo
Yeah I talked myself down. Spent a lot of money on xmas already.

What I'm really itching to know is whether or not the Radeon HD 6450A will properly handle 24p stuff.

Any theories?
If you want prebuild, for 35 bucks more, this will blow the doors off of the lenovo:

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The new Lenovo HTPC0