Dharma to pre-Eden Question
Forgive me if this is a totally n00b question to ask, but are there any good guides out there that guide you through how to go from Dharma to the pre-Eden nightly builds?

As someone who's put in a good amount of effort in getting things set up, I'd like to know how much I'll have to redo. I have my games set up through Advanced Launcher, for example. Does that have to be redone?

Any how to guides out there? Can anyone comment on whether the experience in doing so was smooth or complicated? Easy or frustrating?

Thanks in advance!
Nothing should need to be redone you just update. However, as with any pre-release software, it's advisable to backup your userdata folder (which has all your settings and library files) incase some crazy bug decides to make a mess of things.

Some add-ons might not have been updated yet to work with Eden. Advanced Launcher looks to be updated and ready. Even if an add-on isn't updated yet, you shouldn't need to redo any settings once it is.
Thanks for the reply! I took the plunge and updated, though now I see a couple of errors:

RecentlyAdded.py doesn't work, and neither does the Addon.py

Do I need to update these separately?
Those are individual scripts inside one or more add-ons. Turn on debugging and look at your xbmc.log file and it should show you which add-on(s) are having the issue.
Thank you very much!

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