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Release Mixcloud plugin
The local resolver is fixed!
I followed the approach used in the script posted by @understatement , but better adapted to mixcloud. It runs a lot faster and it will stay 100% independent from other scripts or plugins.

The plugin will be updated from Kodi repo in the coming days...
jackyNIX on Soundcloud, Mixcloud and Facebook
Thanks @jackyNIX! Glad to have helped. Working well on my end.
Is anyone able to port this great addon over to kodi nexus?
I believe it does not run because the xbmc.translatePath variable was removed.
Just replacing all instances with xbmcvfs.translatePath in the addon code does not get it to work.
Sadly i'm not skilled enough to understand how to get it running again. 😢

Thx for any help. 😃

This version runs fine on nexus now.
Thanks @peat 

It's been a while since my last update of this plugin. I didn't even know about Nexus Laugh . About time I'll look into that one.
jackyNIX on Soundcloud, Mixcloud and Facebook
The first nexus release is probably not anytime soon. Has only alpha status yet. So you don't have to hurry. 😀
Hi can How Do I Get Around The Autherizin When I've Originally Signed Up To MixCloud Via Facebook. I've Already Tryed Unlinking Facebook From MixCloud And Reseting Password All Unsuccessfully.
Am Using Kodi 19.4 On Smart TV. Using Android Smartphone To Login Via The Link Provided.
Should I Be Doing All This Thru A Laptop? Any Help Appreciated.
Realy Dont Want To Be Creating A New MixCloud Account Tho. Thanks
Kodi automatically updated itself to Nexus on my nvidia shield and unfortunately this means mixcloud has stopped working ... could an updated version of the addon perhaps be added to the repository?
Hi. Is this plugin working on the xbmc4xbox? I have it installed on the latest rev, but when I enter the access code as linked on the first page, the plugin responds that no valid code is available, or something similar.
Mix cloud plugin stopped working. It looks like it has a problem with mixcloud web services.

First of all, it tries to read csrf cookie from www.mixcloud.com but cookie is not set, and plugin breaks with the following message
File "/home/osmc/.kodi/addons/plugin.audio.mixcloud/lib/resolver.py", line 97, in resolve
'Cookie' : 'csrftoken=' + csrf_token,
TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "NoneType") to str

If I comment out "csrf token" section, plugin breaks when reading graphql response from http://api.mixcloud.com. Has anybody else had the same problem?
OK, I was able to fix it my self - it is not api.mixcloud.com but app.mixcloud.com.

Here is the diff for reslover.py, changes are marked red:

<                 'X-CSRFToken' : csrf_token,
<                 'Cookie' : 'csrftoken=' + csrf_token,
> #                'X-CSRFToken' : csrf_token,
> #                'Cookie' : 'csrftoken=' + csrf_token,
<             req = request.Request('https://www.mixcloud.com/graphql', postdata, headers, 'https://www.mixcloud.com')
>             req = request.Request('https://app.mixcloud.com/graphql', postdata, headers, 'https://www.mixcloud.com')

So comment out two lines and change "www" to "app". Kodi needs restart to apply changes.
Thx for the fix Darionis. I've updated my fork.

Is there any possibility this will get added to a repository, so that it is easy to install for those of us who don't know how to do it just from a github link?

in this latest version the track information (OSD) does not disappear. how to correct this problem.

Thank you.

I am using Kodi 21.0 (Omega) and installed this Mixcloud addon from the official Kodi repo.
When I start the addon it is displaying a popup window saying "v3.0.2 (2020-10-07) [fix] fixed local mixcloud resolver" with an OK button.
When I click the OK button then nothing happens and the little wheel on the screen keeps spinning forever while the rest of the screen stays black.
Anyone knows what to do? Your help is much appreciated?
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