blu ray rip m2ts with DTS HD MA playback issue
Hi everyone,

So, I went through bluray fan's tutorial on getting XBMC to playback blu ray rips with DTS HD sound, but I'm still running into issues. I've noticed that for my blu ray rips with Dolby Digital audio, it plays fine. But, with those that XBMC identifies as having DTS HD MA, there is no sound.

I've followed the tutorial exactly as outlined. Also, I'm positive that my HTPC can handle this. My config is a Gigabyte Mobo with Intel i5, 8GB RAM and ATI Radeon 6850. All drivers are up to date. I can't figure out why I can't get the sound to work on the DTS HD MA. My AVR is a Pioneer Elite, which can handle DTS HD MA and True HD

On one of the movies I have, where I directly copied the m2ts file from the Blu Ray drive, after some tweaking, I can get the DTS sound to work and my AVR identifies it as such. But, for the ones where I ripped and compressed using DVDFab, my AVR just shows it as Stereo and there is no sound. If it will help, I am willing to upload/share a movie that is giving me this issue if someone would like to test it.

Thanks so much for any help/advice.
Please upload a small (1-2 minute) clip and I'll test it for you.

Thanks so much. Sorry, I must admit, I am new to these forums. Is there a particular location that you'd like me to upload the file to? If not, I'll see if there is a free service that I can use to upload the file.


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blu ray rip m2ts with DTS HD MA playback issue0