Problems with my new build
As I posted earlier I finished my new A4-3400 build.
I love almost everything about it except for 2 issues that are annoying me.

1. If the HTPC is sleeping (set to sleep after one hour) I can get it to wake by touching any key on my wireless keyboard. I had just assumed that touching a key on my Harmony remote would also wake the HTPC since I have the harmony set up as a mce keyboard, but it doesnt.

2. Most annoying is that the GUI 'freezes' quite often when scrolling through it. If I hit the down key 10 times while scrolling through my movie list it will quickly scroll down like 6 spots then 'freeze', then jump the last 4 spots. Sometimes even if I only scroll down (or up) 3 or 4 spots it will quickly go down 1 or 2 then freeze then jump the last couple. It happens with my remote or the keyboard.
Anyone else having this issue?

This is all on the last Nightly (Dec. 10th) with windows 7 and stock confluence skin.

Other than that movie playback is great, going through my picture library is fantastic with the amd cpu, and the system is much snappier than the Revo 1600 it replaced.

Thanks in advance....
What type of hard drive?

I don't think wireless keyboards will wake a PC. PS/2 will. , but that's wired. I think the devices normally power down in sleep. I use PC PWR on my MCE remote to wake it. Mapped to a button on my LCD. Any old button on the remote doesn't work.
Thanks Kirky

Im using a regular Sata HD.

Funny thing is is my wireless keyboard does wake the HTPC, and it is only communicating with the HTPC through the usb receiver that came with it.
Sorry,, just reread that, I tought you said the wireless keybaord DID NOT wake the PC. I've never gotten mine to work right. I'll have to play with that more, maybe my motherboards are older.

Enable DDS Fanart and see if that helps the pausing... An SSD will help the interface for XBMC, but it's a costly upgrade for maybe not a lot of return.
My Microsoft Arc Keyboard is capable or waking up my HTPC from Sleep (S3) state...
even my HARMONY650 can wake my HTPC from Sleep.
but i need to press its Power button in order to do so.
pressing on its Left/Right Arrows wont wake up my HTPC.
but my IR Receiver is the iMON LCD SCREEN
that was built-in my ANTEC case..
eskro Wrote:My Microsoft Arc Keyboard is capable or waking up my HTPC from Sleep (S3) state...
even my HARMONY650 can wake my HTPC from Sleep.
but i need to press its Power button in order to do so.
pressing on its Left/Right Arrows wont wake up my HTPC.
but my IR Receiver is the iMON LCD SCREEN
that was built-in my ANTEC case..

Hmmm....can it be that simple?
I think I have tried every key on the remote 'except' the power key! I'm using a Harmony 700.

Ill try the power button tonight.....
dtviewer Wrote:I think I have tried every key on the remote 'except' the power key! I'm using a Harmony 700.

Murphy's law?
About the scrolling.... are you using your wireless keyboard or your remote?

With the wireless keyboard, if I'm too far, I get mixed results for each key press. Sometimes it works, sometimes it keep pressing the key I was trying to press once.
Balinus Wrote:About the scrolling.... are you using your wireless keyboard or your remote?

With the wireless keyboard, if I'm too far, I get mixed results for each key press. Sometimes it works, sometimes it keep pressing the key I was trying to press once.

It does the same thing with the keyboard or the remote.
hold on, what does what?
eskro Wrote:hold on, what does what?

The scrolling issue....issue number 2 in my original post.

(Not the wake from sleep issue)
dtviewer Wrote:As I posted earlier I finished my new A4-3400 build.
I love almost everything about it except for 2 issues that are annoying me.

1. If the HTPC is sleeping (set to sleep after one hour) I can get it to wake by touching any key on my wireless keyboard. I had just assumed that touching a key on my Harmony remote would also wake the HTPC since I have the harmony set up as a mce keyboard, but it doesnt.

2. Most annoying is that the GUI 'freezes' quite often when scrolling through it. If I hit the down key 10 times while scrolling through my movie list it will quickly scroll down like 6 spots then 'freeze', then jump the last 4 spots. Sometimes even if I only scroll down (or up) 3 or 4 spots it will quickly go down 1 or 2 then freeze then jump the last couple. It happens with my remote or the keyboard.
Anyone else having this issue?

This is all on the last Nightly (Dec. 10th) with windows 7 and stock confluence skin.

Other than that movie playback is great, going through my picture library is fantastic with the amd cpu, and the system is much snappier than the Revo 1600 it replaced.

Thanks in advance....

I didn't have any of those problems with an A4-3400, XBMC 10.1 Dharma and an ASRock motherboard.

There's a reason that Pre-eden is not even in Beta yet. It's not ready.

Why don't you try 10.1 and see if the problems exist there too.
voip-ninja Wrote:I didn't have any of those problems with an A4-3400, XBMC 10.1 Dharma and an ASRock motherboard.

There's a reason that Pre-eden is not even in Beta yet. It's not ready.

Why don't you try 10.1 and see if the problems exist there too.

You're probably right on issue number 2 and to tell you the truth thats why I havent done much troubleshooting because there is the chance it is something to do with a nightly.
I just got frustrated because the problem is annoying and I have searched the forums and havent seen anyone else with the issue.

As for number 1, the wake from sleep, I figured that must be more of a computer or motherboard setting and maybe someone else knew of a fix.

Heres the weird part of the wake from sleep:
I am using a HP IR receiver. When using the pc or xbmc if I hit a button on my harmony remote, the hp receiver flashes red.
When the PC is sleeping and I hit a button on the remote there is no red flash.
I assumed this meant the usb ports must be inactive while the pc sleeps.
But this doesnt make sense because my wireless keyboard is talking to the htpc through a usb wireless receiver.
So the USB port must be active....or is there a chance that only some of the usb ports are active??
Both ir receiver and wireless keyboard receiver are plugged in to the back usb ports.

I will try 10.1 tonight and see what happens.....
dtviewer Wrote:You're probably right on issue number 2 and to tell you the truth thats why I havent done much troubleshooting because there is the chance it is something to do with a nightly.
I just got frustrated because the problem is annoying and I have searched the forums and havent seen anyone else with the issue.

As for number 1, the wake from sleep, I figured that must be more of a computer or motherboard setting and maybe someone else knew of a fix.

Heres the weird part of the wake from sleep:
I am using a HP IR receiver. When using the pc or xbmc if I hit a button on my harmony remote, the hp receiver flashes red.
When the PC is sleeping and I hit a button on the remote there is no red flash.
I assumed this meant the usb ports must be inactive while the pc sleeps.
But this doesnt make sense because my wireless keyboard is talking to the htpc through a usb wireless receiver.
So the USB port must be active....or is there a chance that only some of the usb ports are active??
Both ir receiver and wireless keyboard receiver are plugged in to the back usb ports.

I will try 10.1 tonight and see what happens.....

You might want to try to plug the HP into a different port, and make sure it's a USB2 and not USB3 port.

It sounds like the port is going to sleep when the PC sleeps.
definitely try with different USB ports

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Problems with my new build0