My ATV2 & Win7 XBMC-Eden are totally in sync: I'm happy!
All my ATV2 and Win7 XBMC-Eden are in sync, including movie sets, thumbnails and playlists. Here's how I did it.
Note: I decided to do a fresh start and did not upgrade from v10 (and therefore didn’t import my library).

Installing XBMC on my ATV2 and Win 7 devices
  • Jailbreak the Apple TV 2 (I’m using ATV2 SW 4.3 since untethered Jailbreak for IOS 5 wasn’t available when I did my setup)
  • Install XBMC on the Apple TV2 using (I made sure to install UpdateBeGone, as recommended)
  • Install XBMC-Eden Beta1 on the Win7 machines

Configuring XBMC to sync to a central repository
  • Use the following procedure ( I updated it to indicate how to sync playlists):
  • Note: Everything revolves around setting up AdvancedSettings.xml as indicated. If the sync doesn’t work, your xml file might not be setup correctly.

Setting up your first XBMC
  • On one XBMC devices, configure the sources for video, tv shows, music, pictures, etc. Created or import playlists.
  • Copy the files sources.xml and AdvancedSettings.xml (from the XBMC userdata directory) to the userdata directory of all other XBMC devices.

You're done. This procedure doesn’t synchronize the XBMC GUI settings. This suits me well since I want to have different configurations (ex.: I only want one of my XBMC device to sync library on startup and daily). Since everything is now in sync, I use XWMM on a Win7 XBMC to define movie sets and manage my library. It works like a charm.

I hope this helps! Enjoy!
I'm hoping you might have some insight here on this then since you've had success. I have a Win7 desktop and 2 AppleTV2s. Eden Beta is installed on the Win7 and on my upstairs ATV2 and I'm running into problems syncing the data. Both of these machines have the same advancedsettings.xml and sources.cml. Here's the problems I'm having.

When I go into MySQL and if I wipe out my existing Schema's and then launch XBMC on my Desktop, then it creates a xbmc_video58 and a xbmc_music18 schemas. Then if I go to to the ATV2 and launch XBMC, another set of Schema's are created called xbmc_video and xbmc_music. So the 2 aren't looking at the same set of data.

Now to get more perplexing, if I drop all sets of schemas and then go to launch xbmc on the ATV2 to create the xbmc_video and xbmc_music schemas. Then go to my Win7 and launch XBMC. The Win7 XBMC still creates the '58' & '18' version schemas. So I can't seem to find any way around this issue.

So any ideas/help/prayers that you can offer me?
I would suggest two thigns to try,

1, verify <name>xbmc_video</name> is indeed identical in all 3 ( WIN7 and 2 ATV2's) of your advancedsettings.xml

2, remove <name>xbmc_video</name> from all 3 advancedsettinsg.xml. if NO <name>xbmc_video</name> is present , the first XBMC launch ( assuming you have removed it from mysql already), XBMC will create the video database with the default name.
You do not need to specify a <name>xbmc_video</name>, but you can.

so to recap ensure theyy all have identical <name>xbmc_video</name>
or NONE at all

I have ahd success with both setups, running 2 WIN7 boxes and running on my Iphone4 all in flawless sync
Currently i have <name>xbmc_video</name> set in my advancedsettings.xml

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My ATV2 & Win7 XBMC-Eden are totally in sync: I'm happy!0