Aspect Ratio Going Nuts
Maybe this has been covered elsewhere and some kind person can point me in the right direction. I can't figure out where to start...

Anyway, since switching to Eden, when I'm playing a movie that has a black screen (such as during the titles) the aspect ratio freaks out and scans down to eliminate the black space, then has to open back up again,l when the picture starts.

It's really annoying, and it never did this before.

I'm on Eden for Windows, running the Night theme, if it matters.
turn it off in the settings.
Turn what off in which settings?
sigh, found in 10 seconds using google ->

OSD Video Settings -> Crop Black Bars
I bet that people who know the exact terms to describe the issue and the preferred solution can find that pretty quickly.

Some of the rest of us have to ask.


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