Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
AirPlay on Windows XBMC
Hey guys,

Just wondering.. the AirPlay feature.. does this only support AirPlay streamed from apple devices or does it support Android too? (ie - the brilliant DoubleTwist app for Android (ft. AirPlay equivalent)).

I couldn't find any videos demo'ing XBMC+AIRPLAY+ANDROID/DOUBLETWIST on YouTube.
If the android app is using airplay it should work. Most android apps just use upnp for streaming to a tv. This should work same as airplay, but you have to activate UPNP stuff in xbmc network settings...
AppleTV4/iPhone/iPod/iPad: HowTo find debug logs and everything else which the devs like so much: click here
HowTo setup NFS for Kodi: NFS (wiki)
HowTo configure avahi (zeroconf): Avahi_Zeroconf (wiki)
as Memphiz said - you don't need AirPlay apps on Android devices - you can do the same as AirPlay using the default UPNP features of Android - at least my HTC is able to stream to XBMC using UPnP (context-menu -> choose player -> XBMC). All you need to do is to enable the "UPNP renderer" in XBMC.
da-anda Wrote:as Memphiz said - you don't need AirPlay apps on Android devices - you can do the same as AirPlay using the default UPNP features of Android - at least my HTC is able to stream to XBMC using UPnP (context-menu -> choose player -> XBMC). All you need to do is to enable the "UPNP renderer" in XBMC.

Thanks guys.
Yeah Im not 100% sure if DoubleTwist uses the same AirPlay stuff as Apple's devices but it's great to know it can be done through upnp all the same.

Im not really clear how it would work work.. presumably you would load whichever music player you have on your phone, and then? ... or maybe, add upnp as a source in your music section on xbmc and access it from there using your PC keyboard?

Basically, can the stuff be sent to the PC xbmc using only the phone handset? (that's what I'm looking for ideally).

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AirPlay on Windows XBMC0