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[SUPPORT] Hulu Video Plugin
Add me to the list of (mostly) silent users of your plugins, going back to the original Xbox days. I had very few problems over the years, but when I did, I could mostly figure it out with searching through old messages, or posting my own message here or there.

I think you've been more than generous with your time and patience, and it's sad to see a few people ruin it for so many. I think you're right about things like Ebay sales of ATV2 advertising ""Free Hulu!" bringing in, well, the lowest common denominator.

XBMC has gotten easier to install and use on different devices over the years, and that seems to have its pros and cons. The XBMC community used to be full of people who were willing (and expected) to have to tweak settings, do updates, etc to keep things working. Now a lot of the difficulty is gone (XBMC mostly "just works" for a lot of people = good thing) but that means you have less technical people who expect to plug in the ATV2 and watch Hulu within 20 minutes. If something goes wrong, they don't (can't?) even take the time to search for help before asking.

OK, rant over. Hope to hear more about what it might take to be part of any invite-only future development on your addons, BlueCop.
BlueCop Wrote:you aren't logged in. reload the root listing and it should log you in. if it doesn't then delete the token.xml in addons/plugin.video.hulu/lib/cache then try again

Thanks, a restart of XBMC seemed to do it. I will be switching to Eden soon, let me know if you'd like more testing in the private repo.
I have been a completely silent user of your services. I understand why you are doing what you are doing. I wonder if there is a way those of us who were not posting,but still able to use your work, which included finding the answers that were available, can still get access to the private party. Maybe having a test of some sort, showing that they know how to search/research, when giving the right answer they can be invited. If you go strictly off of posts here, people like me would be excluded, just because we've never needed to post.

Thanks for the great tools,while we had them. I have been out of town for work, and I am really hoping my wife went in to xbmc at some point and update...
Without your postings and sharing your hard work and knowledge base so many of us would have never attempted to install XBMC on our ipads and ATV's....You have been extremely helpful and responsive to questions..I hope to be able to continue to be a part of any community or forum that you will call home....
I'm in the same boat as this user. I've been part of other types of testing. I am capable of searching,reading and trouble shooting from other peoples problems without posting

rhmclay Wrote:I have been a completely silent user of your services. I understand why you are doing what you are doing. I wonder if there is a way those of us who were not posting,but still able to use your work, which included finding the answers that were available, can still get access to the private party. Maybe having a test of some sort, showing that they know how to search/research, when giving the right answer they can be invited. If you go strictly off of posts here, people like me would be excluded, just because we've never needed to post.

Thanks for the great tools,while we had them. I have been out of town for work, and I am really hoping my wife went in to xbmc at some point and update...
If you have bitchers and complainers, screw them. You're doing the right thing. Too many people grab on to a free ride and then want more and more. Sorry to see this proggy go, but I don't blame yu, its the jerks who want to be spoon fed and always ask for more that screw it up for the rest of us.
Go private and keep things the way you want them...more power to ya.

I hope those miserable, ungrateful d-bags see this and realize who they are and what they have done. Thanks for ruining it for everyone. It never ceases to amaze me peoples attitude toward developers who do all of this for us, in their free time, for FREE!! I mean, really?

BlueCop: Thanks for everything you have done for us. If you don't mind, I would love an invite as well. I have never posted in this thread as I have never had an issue with this plug-in (well, any of your work actually) but feel free to look at my other posts. I'm not a troll and exhaust all options before bothering a dev for help. Wink Either way, again, I thank you.
The XBMC team, plug-in devs, skinners, etc. do this for us for FREE in their spare time because they want to. Think about that for a second before you start bitching...
Oh no [lack of proper emoticon to express myself]!? These were the last great plugins in the English language going on XBMC...all the others worth having are either crippled or dunzo. It may be a good time to go underground, BC, with a wave of Boxee refugees likely making their way this way - adding to the burden of supportSmile From me and the many XBMC setups I support for my friends and family, I'll echo those that have begged for you to reconsider, BC. Regardless, all of your work is deserving of Media Center/Cable Cutting HOF status and when someone writes the history of this period in rebellion against the industries that are thwarting the promise of digital distrubtion to the living room...you should certainly be in it -- Hey, that's a great idea for an eBook [light bulb emoticon]. All the best to you!

I don't know what it takes to get an invite to this private distribution, but if it means opening millions of chocolate bars in the hopes of landing a golden ticket...consider me Veruca Salt.

Peace, XBMC brethren!
Honestly your addons have been one of the very few things that make xbmc worth the effort for me. I had just been thinking of ending my satellite service based mainly on the presence of the free cable and hulu plugins! Thanks for all the work up to this point.
bad news to see the repo gone, how do I get on the private list...Smile
Sorry to see this happen. You were my xbmc hero (really). If you change your mind, post about it. I subscribe to this and Free Cable.

BTW: I know you are going quiet but I want you to know what a difference you made. I have a mother in law with brain tumors. She went and had a surgery, but it didn't go well and ended up in the hospital for a couple weeks. When she got home she found herself out of money to pay the cable bill and it got shut off. I set up a xbmc machine and installed Free Cable, as she is bed ridden and couldn't get out of bed. This is the thing that has gotten her over the last few weeks. She couldn't have done it without you, so at the end of the day, no matter what turd face said about you, you are a hero.
Sad to see you go BlueCop. Half of the reason I use xbmc is due to your excellent plugins- ESPN, Free Cable, and Hulu. Hopefully there will be a way for appreciative users here to continue to use your updated plugins wherever they may be posted even if it means getting no support or you never posting here again. Take care.
jjense01 Wrote:I don't know what it takes to get an invite to this private distribution, but if it means opening millions of chocolate bars in the hopes of landing a golden ticket...consider me Veruca Salt.

LMAO! and +1 Wink
The XBMC team, plug-in devs, skinners, etc. do this for us for FREE in their spare time because they want to. Think about that for a second before you start bitching...
As a fellow open-source coder, I really appreciate what you have done!

Sorry to hear the knuckleheads have gotten you down, but I do also understand what you are saying about flash publicity.
peebs Wrote:So, updating librtmp in Ubuntu (XBMC Live 10.1 runs atop Ubuntu 10.04.2) isn't an easy task for the uninitiated. I used three "verified" methods before finally coming across a fourth that actually worked.

As Bluecop somewhat vaguely stated, not having an updated librtmp causes the content videos to not play correctly. Something to do with older versions not supporting the newest "handshake", or not giving Hulu a reach-around, or something to that effect. Installing the newest version from git, however, seems to result in happy endings for everyone.

Here's how I updated librtmp, a part of the package rtmpdump:

sudo apt-get install build-essential git-core checkinstall libssl-dev

cd ~/ && \
git clone git://git.ffmpeg.org/rtmpdump && \
cd rtmpdump && \
version="$(git log -1 --abbrev-commit | grep commit | cut -d' ' -f2)" && \
make VERSION="v2.4\ $version~git" && \
sudo checkinstall --pakdir "$HOME/Desktop" --pkgname rtmpdump \
--pkgversion "2.4-$version~git" --backup=no --default && sudo ldconfig

Everything seems to work swimmingly, now.

Is there a way I can see if I updated librtmp correctly? I followed the steps but got an error at the end. Any help appreciated. Thanks!
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[SUPPORT] Hulu Video Plugin17