Bug: music goes too fast in playlist

first i must say that i am a happy user of xbmc and currently xbmc is usually the reason i switch my xbox on.

on the version i have installed (xbmc-2005-05-02), i have found a bug. when a specific mp3 is played directly, it plays ok.

but when when the this mp3 is placed in a playlist and played after another title (any title from what i can tell), it is played too fast (same sound that a tape running twice the normal speed).

by the way, this title is badly played by winamp on my computer. but as xbmc is playing nicely if you are playing it straight, i guess some fix could be done.

here is information about this title:
size: 3124976 bytes
header found at: 1312 bytes
length: 390 seconds
mpeg 1.0 layer 3
64kbit, 15017 frames
44100hz mono
crcs: no
copyrighted: no
original: yes
emphasis: none

the title is located on a smb share but i dont think it is related to the issue.

if you require the mp3 i will gladely send it.


i'm 99.9% confident that this has been fixed already.

it's due to it being mono.
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ok... (impressed by the very fast answer).
i guess the best solution is to download a newer version of xbmc right ?

i was about to open a bug in source forge... but in that case it is not usefull.


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Bug: music goes too fast in playlist0