Automatic scan for File Information
Hey Guys,

is there a way, to let XBMC scan for Fileinformation (Aspect, Resolution, Audiochannels, ...) in background?

As example, i use my NAS to send the html command to let XBMC scan for new Files and Cleanup the Database.

fetch ""

I read the HTTP API in the wiki, but i cant find a Command for scanning the new Files without loading the Video Libraray on my XBMC.

Thanks for help.
No idea how to do this?
Are you asking if XBMC has to be running to do a scan? If so, the answer is yes. There is no way to do a scan without XBMC running.

No that's not what i mean Smile

XBMC is running and i do a Library update with library(video)

But the details (is the new File HD/SD, width, Audio Channels ...) are not scanned. I have to go to the Movilist in XBMC to get this details to the Database.

Is there a command or plugin to scan the fiele details without opening the movie list?
Is there no way to auto scan for this? A shell or http command or something else?

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