New question about Harmony...

First of all, I'm sorry about this question about Harmony, but I've been searching in the forum all evening, and I can't find a solution...

I'm trying to use joystick.AppleRemote.xml for Harmony extra buttons, but I can't load joystick.AppleRemote.xml, or at least, I can't see it in log files. So, with no joystick.AppleRemote.xml loaded, extra button don't work. Is there anything I missed in my config files?

Here are my logs:
Platform: ATV2
Version of iOS/ATV: Version 4.2.1 (Build 8C154)
XBMC Build version and date compiled: XBMC (11.0-RC2 Git:20120229-f38655f)
Install Method: apt-get

Thank you very much,

Make sure it is in the right place and the permissions are ok
chown mobile:mobile /private/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC/userdata/keymaps/Joystick.AppleRemote.xml

Thanks! I did it, but no way...And, in case it is a permission issue, I would see the error in xbmc.log when xbmc try to load it...wouldn't I? My concern is about why xbmc doesn't try to load it...
IOS is Unix based and the filesystem is case sensitive. Check the exact case of the file name (don't know exactly what it should be but joystick != Joystick).
Hello again,

I've been checking what you have posted here, but no joy...Permissions are OK (as far I know...I double checked them with #ls -a), name is OK (checked lower/upper case), but I can't see in my xbmc the trap of trying to load joystick.AppleRemote.xml..

Other people have this in his xbmc:

20:16:14 T:123875328 INFO: load keymapping
20:16:14 T:123875328 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/appcommand.xml
20:16:14 T:123875328 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/gamepad.xml
20:16:14 T:123875328 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.Alienware.Dual.Compatible.Controller.xml
20:16:14 T:123875328 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.AppleRemote.xml

But I can't see any of these in my xbmc.log, as you can see in my attached log...Why is this? Do I have to create a profile? (I'm not using profiles as I'm the only who uses XBMC at home...I live alone :S) Do I have to upgrade version from 4.2.1 (Build 8C154)? In that case, to which one?

I'm going crazy with this, my next holidays I will spend it starting from scratch: upgrade, jailbreak, install...But I want to know how platform works, not only enjoy it...

Thank you all.
I'm having the same problem on my linux machine, xbmc isn't even looking in keymaps according to the log. Has anyone figured out why this would be?
Perhaps those lines only shows up in the log file if you enabled debugging.

system>system>debugging>enable debugging log

**Nevermind...I see that your log shows debugging is already enabled.

Not sure what the issue is then. My xbmc.log shows the remote xml files loading.

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