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[WIP] HTPC-Manager Beta, Manage XBMC, Sabnzbd, SickBeard with one app
I can't seem to login to the HTPC manager. I typed in "admin" for username and password and it won't let me.
There is no default username and password. Your can shutdown htpc manager and start it with --resetauth
So is Sickrage broken right now? It cant fetch the list of the tv shows but the rest seems to work.
(2015-11-27, 01:17)Darkcloud Wrote: So is Sickrage broken right now? It cant fetch the list of the tv shows but the rest seems to work.

Works fine here. But im using a old sickrage version (before the devs moved to a new repo) if the problem persist open a issue on github, read the issue guidelines before you post and include the sickrage commit your using.
I like the idea of an HTPC manager, but I tried this one, and don't see a value proposition. First, I found the installation documentation almost completely absent, and once I launched the app, the first page provided a banner and white space. But, I persevered and added sonarr, sabnzbdplus, and plex as servers (deluge, my torrent downloader, is not supported). Then all my additions disappeared, nothing showing. Try again. This time, I found an 'enable' widget on the top of the screen, and I got one server to show, same thing for the other two.

Now I found that I had a single black and white line on the page banner with my 3 servers listed. Great!

I tried each one and found that each was just a minor subset of the same information I get on the web gui of each server. The one for sonarr is so limited that I just don't see the point of using this. I checked both sabnzbdplus and plex, and found similar results. So I removed the HTPCManager code from my file system.

I find it much more useful to use 4 separate web pages (sonarr, sabnzbdplus, deluge, and plex).

I don't mean to be negative, just feedback of what I learned.
(2015-12-15, 19:57)explainer Wrote: I find it much more useful to use 4 separate web pages (sonarr, sabnzbdplus, deluge, and plex).

I don't mean to be negative, just feedback of what I learned.

I Hellowlol's version is fairly clear to install & set up. Plus there are easily googable guides. I'm going to fault the user there more than the software.

Yes, the layout is a bit sparse. But I use it as a landing page/overview.

I'd love for the sonarr style calendar to be brought into htpc-manager, but I'm ok w/ it as is for now.

Adding r(u)torrent would be great too.

Also, it allows for easy single point of entry for most everything.

It may just be that it's not the right tool for you. And that's fine. Smile I'd suggest leave it installed, and play with it for a while. You might find a good use for it. It's light enough to not need to worry about it.
I apologize if this has been asked already but I can't seem to find it on searching. Every time i try to link my Kodi setup to my HTPC Manager it fails. Can someone point me in the right direction?
hello to all and thank you at the makers of this great program

i had a system crash today and had to reiinstall every thing had only a very old backup so it was better to start from scratch.
i installed ubuntu server and all the extra i needed.
now i installed htpc-manager. an yes no errors.
but if i open the web browser i get no conection to the server the port is 8085
al the other programs work fine.
what am i doing wrong. i checked the log file it only says that i don't have configured noting. logic i think. i can not conect to it so .

can some one help me with this i already removed and reinstaled it .to be shure i did not overlooked at some eror.
i use ubuntu server 64 bit and ver 2.7.1 of python.

thank you in advance Scorpi

(sorry for my bad english it is not my native language)
(2015-12-20, 21:17)Scorpi Wrote: hello to all and thank you at the makers of this great program

i had a system crash today and had to reiinstall every thing had only a very old backup so it was better to start from scratch.
i installed ubuntu server and all the extra i needed.
now i installed htpc-manager. an yes no errors.
but if i open the web browser i get no conection to the server the port is 8085
al the other programs work fine.
what am i doing wrong. i checked the log file it only says that i don't have configured noting. logic i think. i can not conect to it so .

can some one help me with this i already removed and reinstaled it .to be shure i did not overlooked at some eror.
i use ubuntu server 64 bit and ver 2.7.1 of python.

thank you in advance Scorpi

(sorry for my bad english it is not my native language)

Sure it's installed correctly? You can follow this step by step guide:


If it still does not work post your log.


it is the same page from where i instaled it.
i try again i will let you know.

Thank you

Still don't know what happend after every program install i did a reboot.
today to remove and reinstall it again .
i log in like always by ssh and the server asked me to reboot . after the reboot i refreshed my browser and there it was .
Thank you .

I have enabled the System Info tab and set the mount points for each of my storage devices, including the Samsung SSD that the OS runs from. The only issue I have is that the temperature is being shown as 0 whereas the temperatures for both my HDDs are shown correctly.

Is there anyway to show the SSD temperature within HTPC Manager or is that a known bug/issue?
delete me
Hey I'm on FreeNAS so downloaded the latest autoupdate and it works fine.

I know to show disks, they must be mounted in the jail for HTPC-Manager, so I did that.

But in the system setup I put in /mnt/TV /mnt/Music /mnt/Movies and I get no visuals for disks at all. The mountpoints are setup correctly and I can go to /mnt/Music and see all my music.

Also, I got Couchpotato, SickRage, and Transmission to work quite easily, but I cannot get Plex or Headphones to work even though the IP, port, username is setup, even the API key for Plex is right (and works in SickRage).

Any help is greatly appreciated!
(2016-03-11, 17:06)marcisikoff Wrote: Hey I'm on FreeNAS so downloaded the latest autoupdate and it works fine.

I know to show disks, they must be mounted in the jail for HTPC-Manager, so I did that.

But in the system setup I put in /mnt/TV /mnt/Music /mnt/Movies and I get no visuals for disks at all. The mountpoints are setup correctly and I can go to /mnt/Music and see all my music.

Also, I got Couchpotato, SickRage, and Transmission to work quite easily, but I cannot get Plex or Headphones to work even though the IP, port, username is setup, even the API key for Plex is right (and works in SickRage).

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Sorry for the late reply, your using my fork. Read the issue guidelines https://github.com/Hellowlol/HTPC-Manage...-bug-great and open a issue. Add a screenshot of htpc manager system setting.
hi, i'm quite confuse about the installation of HTPC manager on my homemade NAS, i come from synology os and i'ld like to find a configuration like it.
i have to :
- Reproduce video like it's netflix (i have the 70% of the video encoded with h265, is there any app to encode them?)
- Access to all the file (obviously)
- Use DDNS (but maybe this depends on os..)

Then.. i tryed to configure from the web client, but i don't know hot to do
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[WIP] HTPC-Manager Beta, Manage XBMC, Sabnzbd, SickBeard with one app7
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