Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
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[WIP] HTPC-Manager Beta, Manage XBMC, Sabnzbd, SickBeard with one app
(2012-03-29, 18:08)jdoggvt Wrote: I think this is pretty cool! I do have a few questions

- Will newznab search be enabled?
- Will it be possible to upgrade from within the app a la sickbeard/headphones?

See here for the update question:
Image - An open video games database. - Blog
What are your plans for the category dropdown in NZB search?
I understand you want to, eventually, extend the nzb search to support additional indexing sites,
and I suspect this is why you haven't just hardcoded the dropdown found on nzbmatrix.

The NZB search works great, but I miss the option to filter by category.
Unbelievable. First beta of this and already implemented that all images are loaded through your webservice.
I have mentioned that like 10 times at maraschino... Thank you so much. Just installed and waiting for updates. *yay*
(2012-03-29, 22:02)Lucleonhart Wrote: Unbelievable. First beta of this and already implemented that all images are loaded through your webservice.
I have mentioned that like 10 times at maraschino... Thank you so much. Just installed and waiting for updates. *yay*

And it's going to get so much better!

Working perfectly with XBMCBuntu 11.0. Awesome work.
I've been trying to get this to work for a while now, I'm having trouble authenticating. I've tried using the username and password admin:admin - but it denies me three times on IE and instantly on Firefox. So, I have no idea how to log in. I'm not sure why it'd need a username and password by default anyway.


Never mind. It's not compatible with Nightly nor IE10.
I've found that IE10 on Windows 8 doesn't allow access to localhost in any way. Works great in Chrome though. =D

Most of the things I would like to see have already been mentioned by other people:

- sort by name in sickbeard page
- specify HDD's monitored (especially network drives)
- Now Downloading on the dashboard page doesn't show anything, I'm guessing that's a coming feature, or I broke something

Feature Suggestions:

- clicking on the current picture on "recently added" movies or tv show can take you to the page for that show or movie within the couchpotato / sickbeard tabs. Though I guess it would be the xbmc tab, as sickbeard tab doesn't have show information. Not sure how or if this will work with the couchpotato page, once it's added
- clicking on a "next aired" item on the dashboard takes you to the show page in xbmc tab
- same thing for clicking a show name in sickbeard tab
- synopsis for tv shows when clicking the little ( i ) info button in sickbeard tab, or between the title of the show and the start of seasons in the xbmc tab (if sickbeard redirects to xbmc, as above)

In my perfect world I would use a frontend software like this on a day to day basis, and never once load up the web interface for sickbeard, couchpotato or sabnzbd after installing them. So in my selfish little perfect world, the frontend should be able to do everything an enduser would require from the programs it manages.

Bottom line, even if it doesn't change much from how it currently is, I love it.

Is there an IRC channel to chat about development?

I would like to able to link to own applications in the up like it its in Mara and mediafront page. With this and diskspace running i could turn off mara and just use this one! Big Grin
What exactly does the PIL class do? Do we need it? Its messing with my updater.. Sad
PIL is a image library from Python, it resizes your fanart/posters and saves it to your disk Smile, so.
(2012-03-30, 12:48)_Mikie_ Wrote: Is there an IRC channel to chat about development?

#htpcmanager on Smile
(2012-03-30, 09:25)michaelkant Wrote: I've found that IE10 on Windows 8 doesn't allow access to localhost in any way. Works great in Chrome though. =D

Most of the things I would like to see have already been mentioned by other people:

- sort by name in sickbeard page
- specify HDD's monitored (especially network drives)
- Now Downloading on the dashboard page doesn't show anything, I'm guessing that's a coming feature, or I broke something

Feature Suggestions:

- clicking on the current picture on "recently added" movies or tv show can take you to the page for that show or movie within the couchpotato / sickbeard tabs. Though I guess it would be the xbmc tab, as sickbeard tab doesn't have show information. Not sure how or if this will work with the couchpotato page, once it's added
- clicking on a "next aired" item on the dashboard takes you to the show page in xbmc tab
- same thing for clicking a show name in sickbeard tab
- synopsis for tv shows when clicking the little ( i ) info button in sickbeard tab, or between the title of the show and the start of seasons in the xbmc tab (if sickbeard redirects to xbmc, as above)

In my perfect world I would use a frontend software like this on a day to day basis, and never once load up the web interface for sickbeard, couchpotato or sabnzbd after installing them. So in my selfish little perfect world, the frontend should be able to do everything an enduser would require from the programs it manages.

Bottom line, even if it doesn't change much from how it currently is, I love it.

Glad to hear you like it Smile Please enter your requests / bugs @ the issue tracker on GitHub:

This way we can keep better track of bugs and enhanchements.
(2012-03-30, 17:42)dakpunne Wrote: PIL is a image library from Python, it resizes your fanart/posters and saves it to your disk Smile, so.

We need to find a new library! Big Grin When shutting down the server it isn't releasing the PIL library so when I come to overwrite the folder with the new folder it errors out on me. I don't think PIL is being closed or something but without knowing how it was implemented or works I'm a bit stuck..

It'd be nice when using the NZB Search and pressing the download button on a NZB, that it notify you that it has sent the NZB to SAB.

Thanks, I really love this application, can't to see it evolve!
Is there going to be an update function added on this? Dont want to install until its implemented.
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[WIP] HTPC-Manager Beta, Manage XBMC, Sabnzbd, SickBeard with one app7