Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
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[WIP] HTPC-Manager Beta, Manage XBMC, Sabnzbd, SickBeard with one app
Here are some logs (I don't know actually what logs do you need) when opening HTPC Manager front page and after that XBMC tab.

Standard outputs, when running python 1>std.txt 2>err.txt
- std.txt:
- err.txt:
XMBC log (snipped to only relevant time)

(HTPC Manager doesn't seem to be requesting any thumbs when I clicked XBMC tab?)
Kodi @ Windows Server 2012 R2 | Pulse-Eight USB-CEC Adapter
Try updating again Smile They should display correctly now
Just updated to the latest, and it's working now, however its loading slow and on the settings page I'm getting this error:

Warning: Failed to resize thumbnails. This can be slow on some browsers. For more information and a solution on how to fix this visit

But the link is not working, how do I fix the issue? Also what does the option "Regenerate Thumnails" do? When I select it and click save changes, it goes back to being unchecked after the page reloads.
The images are working fine now, even with my old version of python. Not sure if that was intentional or not but thanks Smile
(2012-04-09, 03:35)Maxwell Smart Wrote: Just updated to the latest, and it's working now, however its loading slow [...]

I had the same problem. It's not finding program to resize your thumbs. For me, it was using PIL and it was awfully slow (python_imaging).

What I did (and you should perhaps try?) was:

- Shut down HTPC Manager
- Remove current thumbs by simply removing folder [HTPC Manager root]/userdata/xbmc_thumbs (it will be created again)
- install libfreeimage3 (apt-get install libfreeimage3 should find it)
- and if I wanted to be sure, I would probably empty [HTPC Manager root]/userdata/config.cfg file. By doing that, you have to put all your settings again, but it's quite fast process. Smile
- Empty your browsers cache
- Start HTPC Manager. Note that first time loading of those thumbs will be slower, since it is resizing them on the fly. Next time those should be ready and things should speed up.

If I have understood things correctly HTPC Manager tries to resize thumbs (in Linux) first with Freeimage, then with Imagemagic if Freeimage cannot be found, then with PIL if Freeimage or Imagemagic cannot be found, and if even PIL doesn't work, it bithces about it. Big Grin

One thing that I have noticed: Using Opera (Windows) as a browser to view HTPC Manager slows things down considerably. Both Firefox and Chrome are much faster loading HTCP Manager XMBC pages/tabs. I don't know if that is Operas fault or something to do with jquery (or something). Opera is usually quite fast browser and it's javascript engine is quite good.
Kodi @ Windows Server 2012 R2 | Pulse-Eight USB-CEC Adapter
Is the updater working? When I click "Update Available" nothing happens..
(2012-04-12, 02:12)tonybeccar Wrote: Is the updater working? When I click "Update Available" nothing happens..

Something is happening you just aren't aware of it. Currently it doesn't show you that its updating. Click on the "Update Available' link and wait and it'll update. Give it a few minutes Wink
Is the version with the updater available for Windows?
Proud to have software induced insomnia.

Not yet. Will be when Beta 2 is done Smile
I use the last development branch from tonight with theming. But now htpc-manager cant connect to any other source (xbmc,sanzbd and so on). Whats happening?
So latest Dev build has build in updater?
I have a version from yesterday but I dont know how to update.
There is no manual force update check. It checks every 24 hours Smile You will be notified when an update is available.
(2012-04-13, 10:11)sb206 Wrote: I use the last development branch from tonight with theming. But now htpc-manager cant connect to any other source (xbmc,sanzbd and so on). Whats happening?

Same here.
Any errors? Can you pastebin log?
Got mine fixed.
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[WIP] HTPC-Manager Beta, Manage XBMC, Sabnzbd, SickBeard with one app7