ftp over dlna from Panasonic to XBMC (XP-PC)
Dear all,

I'm looking for a solution to transfer video files from a Panasonic pvr(DMR-BST800, DLNA server) to a PC (XP SP3) running XBMC Eden, connected via upnp. Panasonic does not support ftp!
This is legally fine, as the records on the Panasonic are taken from SAT TV - dlna streaming works nicely.

Thanks for help

I don't know why you are asking us how to operate your own equipment. Have you tried looking at your manual? it seems that that unit has network, SD card, and USB functionality, surely one of those will let you retrieve your media

here is the manual

"PPC is too slow, your CPU has no balls to handle HD content." ~ Davilla
"Maybe it's a toaster. Who knows, but it has nothing to do with us." ~ Ned Scott
Sorry, I have studied the manual before with no luck. I am also not asking how to operate the panasonic - I am also well aware of the fact that SD card and/or blue ray disk will allow me to do the file transfer (USB will not on the panasonic for the required direction i.e. download to PC/USB device). Where I need help is:

DLNA server Panasonic DMR-BST800 connected to XBMC DLNA client on XP PC. Streaming works fine. Is there a way to use this connection to transfer the whole video file to the PC in order to watch it later offline.
I still think this is a valid question, as wdws media player under wdw 7 seems to be capable to do this, VLC under XP I am not sure.

Thanks for help
If you can stream you can copy. You can for instance use the file manager in xbmc.
You can use the file manager. It's in the sub-menu under system. Add the UPnP source there as well and I believe you can use that to copy files over.
Thank you for this post; although I have had success with other systems transferring files from Panasonic DLNA recorders to PC's and a NAS server I will investigate using XMBC to see if I can get a more flexible; friendly and reliable system.

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ftp over dlna from Panasonic to XBMC (XP-PC)0