Dual-core Apple A5X - XBMC - Mythbox - OTA HD Recording
Hi, I tried the old IPAD and it had difficulty playing TV recordings / Live TV using MythBox.

Does the latest Dual-core Apple A5X have enough juice to pay HD OTA content using MythBox addon inside XBMC? Has anybody tried playing SD or HD content of Live TV? Would like hear the experiences. I want to buy this IPAD to keep in the kitchen so that one can see Live TV using MythBox
I don't believe the iPad3 has been jailbroken yet, but I suspect that it's not drastically more powerful than the A5 from the iPad2. I think most of the boost is just to handle the bigger screen (the GPU, at the very least, but probably in the CPU as well?). From what reviews I've read, normal iOS App Store programs seem to run about the same on both, when in the past they've been able to see drastic speed increases.
I think the general results of the iPad 3 is worse than iPad 2.
Basically, they doubled the resolution of the screen and updated their GPU to support this, but just barely.
Results from geekbench show the CPU (really CPU) inside the A5X is the same as the iPad 2 making this even worse.
HD content on iPad 2 with iOS 4.3.3 is the way to go.
So any new iPad on iOS 5.X will be useless if you want to play HD content WITH ssa subs, since this isn't fixed yet on Eden (and probably won't be for a long time).
And definitely not going to see any 10-bit content on something portable.

Hope this helps.

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Dual-core Apple A5X - XBMC - Mythbox - OTA HD Recording 0