Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Delete Movie folder when deleting a movie from xbmc.
This thing has to happen one way or another.
I agree with NedScott that it would be a dangerous assumption, but that also means the solution can be very simple:
- In the second popup "Confirm delete" (not a third popup after removing from library and file) use three buttons and show the movie path and movie file name:
- "Delete all files and folder" + "Delete file" + "Don't touch files"
Platforms: macOS - iOS - OSMC
co-author: Red Bull TV add-on
This would want to be an option that wasn't enabled by default or had someway of being locked. I have had my 2 year old remove things from my library before when she was pretending the remote was a phone.......

That said none of my client machines have write privileges on my nas.
It's been close to a year. Does anyone know if there is a good solution for this?
Just adding my interest in this feature as well. I have couch potato installed so adding movies to kodi is automated and I will erase 80% of them after the first viewing. I have a 3tb collection with at least a few hundred orphaned folders now that I look at the server. Any chance this gets added?
then automate it further - simple script that goes through your folder once a night that removes all folders which don't contain a movie (or simply which content is smaller than 500mb for example).
Instead of waiting that this gets added to kodi (which doesn't look like it will happen) - it could have been solved on your sides already...
AppleTV4/iPhone/iPod/iPad: HowTo find debug logs and everything else which the devs like so much: click here
HowTo setup NFS for Kodi: NFS (wiki)
HowTo configure avahi (zeroconf): Avahi_Zeroconf (wiki)
I'd like to also add support to this as being a disabled by default option. Having giant libraries and being able to entirely remove something, and it's folders and associated metadata, without having to both remove it in Kodi's library, and then some script or extra process would be great. I see why you would want this disabled by default, and you definitely will have a higher percentage of people using movie folders than individual episode folders for TV, so yes they should be treated differently.

Anyway, would love to see this as an added feature as well.

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Delete Movie folder when deleting a movie from xbmc.1