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WIP Avalon
(2012-11-25, 04:22)gjlp Wrote: Should I be using a particular random script or is it OK to use the newer one intended for Frodo?

it seem that´s the problem. Use this Script and Eden:
Random Items and Watchlist scripts are superseded by the Skin Widgets Addon Service.

(2012-11-25, 14:15)nessus Wrote: @reazorFX
Random Items and Watchlist scripts are superseded by the Skin Widgets Addon Service.


Yes of course. Note for me:"should change to FrodeBig Grin"
it seems a Panel-View with a bigger Main-Cover are hip, so i have playing around a little bit.


(2012-11-25, 20:21)reazorFX Wrote: it seems a Panel-View with a bigger Main-Cover are hip, so i have playing around a little bit.


I prefer how it is looking now or you must add it as an separate view.
The reasons: bigger posters on small screens.

Nvidia Shield 2019 Pro, Nvidia Shield 2015
I also prefer the way it looks now.

re: wrong cover art on "XBMC recommends" - are you saying that currently there is no way to have it operate properly on the Frodo Beta? i just spent some time upgrading to the beta, getting (most of) my addons to work.
Big Grin Shure a separate view.

I hope i can do some thing at this weekend and also the Frodo support I must still make. I´m a littel bussy at time Confused


Hi ReazorFX,

Great skin I only miss one thing that is a grid view in the music section.
I have allot of albums and looking up a album by scrolling only works well in a grid view.
I hoop you will add this type of view in a future version.
(2012-11-29, 22:14)dr88dr88 Wrote: Hi ReazorFX,

Great skin I only miss one thing that is a grid view in the music section.
I have allot of albums and looking up a album by scrolling only works well in a grid view.
I hoop you will add this type of view in a future version.

I´m currently work on a Panle View for Movies and TV-Shows. A Music View will look similar as this one.

Hi RaezorFX,

The new view looks really really cool for movies.
For music I think it would be beter to use the whole screen then you can fit 25+ albums on one screen.
I have have 1000+ album in my library with nice album art and then its difficult to find something in the library when you have limited number of items in the view.
@RaezorFX stunning
(2012-12-03, 21:49)dr88dr88 Wrote: Hi RaezorFX,

The new view looks really really cool for movies.
For music I think it would be beter to use the whole screen then you can fit 25+ albums on one screen.
I have have 1000+ album in my library with nice album art and then its difficult to find something in the library when you have limited number of items in the view.

okay will see what i can do Nod
(2012-12-04, 20:13)noiz13 Wrote: @RaezorFX stunning


Avalon 0.4.2 is out:

What´s new:

- Poster View for Movies and TV-Shows
- Clean up Codes and Medias


I´m currently work on the Frodo Version. I have test some things last weekend and it works good. And with the "Better pvr.demo addon data inside" the PVR support get realise.

As a matter of priority is make Avalon Frodo ready Wink

That's exciting news about upcoming Frodo support, reazorFX -- I didn't realize you were so close to having it ready!
yet another great release reazor! the new view looks great! is it possible tho for u to make the posters a slight bit bigger? not much, just a to have a little less space between them? like this...


and are you going to make a horizontal scroll for this view in the future?
this looks stunning i can't wait to check it out once it has Frodo support, but it looks beautiful.
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