Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Help modding cirrus ev2 + rapier skin
Cirrus' skin is excellent and got everything i need, except it doesn't have seekbar, and the player is blocking the sub
So i'm trying to merge rapier's video osd,
I replaced cirrus' videoosd.xml with rapier's
And i merge the textures.xbt for both skins.
But I can't get the prev next rewind forward buttons to show up..

And also, whenever the focus is on Stop button, the controls somehow slides to the right


Any idea how to fix this?

Here's the code for the control panel

            <control type="grouplist" id="203">
                <description>Player Extra Controls</description>
                <control type="button" id="110">
                <control type="image" id="111">
                    <description>Rec No Focus</description>
                <control type="image" id="112">
                    <description>Rec Focus</description>
                <control type="image" id="113">
                    <description>Rec 2 No Focus</description>
                    <visible>Player.Recording + !Control.HasFocus(110)</visible>
                <control type="image" id="114">
                    <description>Rec 2 Focus</description>
                    <visible>Player.Recording + Control.HasFocus(110)</visible>
            <control type="grouplist" id="202">
                <description>Player Controls</description>
                <control type="button" id="106">
                    <description>Skip Prev</description>
                <control type="button" id="105">
                <control type="button" id="104">
                <control type="togglebutton" id="107">
                    <usealttexture>Player.Paused | Player.Forwarding | Player.Rewinding</usealttexture>
                <control type="button" id="108">
                <control type="button" id="109">
                    <description>Skip Next</description>

            <control type="grouplist" id="201">
                <description>Player Settings Controls</description>
                <control type="button" id="100">
                    <description>Exit Fullscreen</description>
                <control type="button" id="101">
                <control type="button" id="116">
                <control type="button" id="102">
                    <description>Audio Settings</description>
                <control type="button" id="103">
                    <description>Video Settings</description>
                <control type="button" id="115">

            <control type="grouplist" id="202">
                <description>Player Controls</description>
                <control type="button" id="106">
                <control type="button" id="105">
                <control type="button" id="104">

I've changed alot of things but still no luck..
I managed to make the buttons appear by editing the buttons and togglebutton in defaults.xml
But it messes up the "button" and "togglebutton" everywhere else..
Kinda expect this when dealing with dependencies

So i tried to edit each corresponding controls manually with values in defaults.xml
But i can't override controls in osdvideo.xml with the values in defaults.xml.. any idea why?

e.g for rewind buttons controls in osdvideo.xml, i tried putting in defaults.xml's button values, but it doesn't work..

Edit : nevermind, it's working now Big Grin
VideoOSD.XML :
Hey denywinarto any chance you can paste your changes in here?

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