Nightly Build - Wrong music thumbs being displayed
Now that music in the nightlies have changed over to the new caching system (like movies), My alot of my music thumbs are wrong.

After doing a rescan of my music, a lot of my music covers are either showing as the folder.jpg & not the embedded cover or just totally the wrong cover.

I have double checked In mp3tag & everything is ok & everything was fine before the change over.

I've deleted Textures13.db & gone straight in to music file mode & the same thing keeps happening.

Is there any thing i've missed ?

The rules are as follows when presented with a folder of music:

1. We first categorise songs based purely on the album tag.
2. We next check songs per album based on their primary artist (first artist) or album artist.
3. We then categorise songs into albums based on primary artist and album tag (i.e. all songs that share a primary artist are considered as part of an album, unless there are two or more different primary artists and no tracks overlap and no album artist is specified, whereby it's a compilation album).
4. We then find the embedded art in each song, along with any thumbnails <songname>.tbn, which take priority.
5. If there's only one album in the folder, and all the song art is the same, then folder.jpg takes priority for the album. If no folder.jpg, then the song art is used for the album as well.
6. If one or more songs has different art than the others, then the album gets no art (or gets a folder.jpg) while all the songs get their own art - this allows you to override one particular song with different art for example.

Typically, if you have folder.jpg, then that is what is used assuming a single album per folder heirarchy. After all, you put it there to be used, right? If the folder.jpg isn't being used, then it's because you have embedded art for the songs that doesn't match across the songs. In this case, we take your word for it - tags are king.

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Thanks for the reply Jonathan.

My Albums are organized as follows: Music->Albums->Artist->Album1

My Singles are organized as follows: Music->Singles->A,B,C etc.. ->Artist

After some more testing with a "out of the box" install using confluence in thumbnail view in file mode & with an album by a single artist. I found that entering the directory none of the thumbs for the album will show at all, only the parent directory icon is displaying the album thumb.

Now if i hit return to go back a directory & then re-enter the album directory I still get no thumbs & the parent directory's icon has returned to normal (Line+up arrow)

Also if i go in to a directory that has singles in it & there is more than 1 single in the directory then all the thumbs for that directory display as they should, If i go in to a directory that has only 1 single in it i get the same no thumbs as described above..

Debug gives no errors, but can post if wanted & my other machine (linux) is a running a nightly before the changes (june 15th) & everything displays perfectly.

hope that lot makes sense ? if not can post some pics.

You have tag reading on obviously? It all works fine here for a single album in file mode (unscanned) - basically we read all the tags, characterise into albums, assign art to each album, then assign that art back to the songs (if the songs have no art already).

I wonder if the parent directory item is what is screwing things up - bet that's what it is. Try without parent folder items on.
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I tried turning off parent folder items & still get the same result, I will post some pictures & configure both of my machines (one with & without the cache changes) to be identical & post the debug logs later today.

Thanks for the help so far.

Sorry to bump my thread that's nearly 2 months old.

Real life gets in the way sometimes.

Now that i've got some time on my hands, a couple of days ago i compiled a nightly (2 sept)

I think after running some test's i've found the problem with the parent icon displaying an embedded cover instead of it's own icon. I think it's down to the number of sub directories i have my music in.

I took some singles (m4a & mp3) all tagged with embedded covers & for each test i deleted all db's (local, no mysql) & thumbnails & Textures13.db

And i can now reproduce the problem every time by making this folder structure:
C:\Music\Singles\A\ (and then inside "A" make 3 folders, I named mine 1,2 and 3) Drop at least 1 music file in each of the folders 1,2 and 3. File mode will work & display the correct parent icon until you scan the "Music" folder in to the library, Then go to any music source or back into the "music" source in file mode and then the parent icon is the cover of the last file to be scanned in.

Hope that lot makes sense.


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