Problem scanning movies and tv series after adding video source
First of all, I am a newb at XBMC but I am fairly experience with Media Portal and Windows Media Center.

I am having problems with scanning TV shows and Movies after adding video source. Now, the problem is, after clicking OK in both the TV Show and Movie Set Content it will ask "Do you want to refresh info for all items within this path?", clicking yes, it does a very quick 1 second scan and that's it. If i try to right click on either one and try to Set Content again it pops up with none of the setting I did before. I try setting it up again with the same results.

I am running latest update of Win7 as of today and running XBMC 11.0 compiled as of Mar 21, 2012.

Firstly, after adding my D:\Movies folder I would Set Content this way:

This directory contains: Movies
Choose a scraper: tried both The MovieDB and IMDB
Run automatic scans: ON
Movies are in separate folders that match the movie title: tried both ON and OFF
Scan recursively: ON
Selected folders contain a separate video: OFF
Exclude path from library updates: tried both ON and OFF

Movie files are setup like this:

Atlantis The Lost Empire (2001).avi
Immortals (2011).avi

and are either just in the D:\Movies folder or are in a sub-folder if in a series such as D:\Movies\Mad Max.

Now TV shows are added from D:\Series folder and would Set Content this way:

This directory contains: TV show
Choose a scraper: The TVDB
Run automatic scans: ON
Selected folder contains single TV show: OFF
Exclude path from library updates: OFF

Shows files are setup like this:

1000 Ways To Die - 5x03 - .Ready Or Not Here Death Comes.avi
Game of Thrones - 2x06 - The Old Gods and the New.mkv

and are placed in sub-folders according to the series and season like:

D:\Series\The Awful Truth\Season 1

I also had a copy of XBMC 9.0 before this, downloaded from an external site (reading about it from that other site) and tried adding those same folders relatively the same way (other than the few of changes with the newer version). It worked, did a full scan and got most of the Movies and TV Series right other than a few which needed to be fixed. I downloaded 11.0 from the XBMC site and now this is happening.

Please help.
The Debug Log would be the first place to start. That it's not saving your content settings suggests a corrupt video database.

For your settings, you'd Movies in separate folders named after the movie on most likely (it ignores files in the root and will treat them separately).
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Yes, there was an error in the database.

4008 ERROR: SQL: SQL error or missing database
Query: select path.strContent,path.strScraper,path.scanRecursive,path.useFolderNames,path.strSettings,path.noUpdate,path.exclude from path where path.idPath=1

I will try to figure out how to fix/replace it. If any suggestions, I don't mind help.
You can delete the myVideosXX.db entry in your userdata folder, and rebuild it with a new library scan.
Quick Links: debug log (wiki) | userdata (wiki) | advancedsettings (wiki) | adding videos to the library (wiki)

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Problem scanning movies and tv series after adding video source0