unRaid Meta Grabber
Hi guys, for the last few weeks i've been doing research for my unRaid server (link in signature) and was wondering, Im using SickBeard + HeadPhones + CouchPotatoe + SABnzbd and was wondering what program everyone uses for there Meta Grabbing. I want my server to be fully automatic but have the options to choose covers and information.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
For tv shows, I let sickbeard grab the metadata. For movies, xbmc (imdb scraper) handles it all.

They do an amazing job. If I don't like a fanart or something, I can always change it within xbmc. I honestly don't really have a reason to use a third party media manager
I use XBMC to grab all metadata, but I supplement the images with using the artwork downloader addon, which runs inside XBMC and gives me all the cool logo art and etc for skins such as Aeon Nox 3.5!
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I am using unRAID too, I allow SB, CP, HP to download all the metadata and use Artwork Downloader for the supplemental stuff. I have been doing that for a little over a year or so without much error/effort. Just want to note, I am using CP v2.
HTPC: Acer Revo 3610 (openELEC 3.0.2) with Aeon Nox (4)
NAS: unRAID 5rc12a on an Intel 3GHz Core2Duo with 4GB of RAM and 5 2TB WD EARS Green Drives
Running: SickBeard, CouchPotato v2, Headphones, Maraschino, Plex and SimplePlugins
I prefer letting xbmc scrape the movie metadata just because I often change them. If xbmc scrapes with local metadata present (previously saved by cp) when I try to change it in xbmc, I don't get any other options, just the local one. I have to rescrape to get the other picture options. Wink I don't like to rescrape because it messes up my recently added list.

I do however have cp rename the movie folder with moviename - (quality) (I don't let it touch the filename in case cp names the folder wrong, I can still tell what it actually was by the filename)

That way xbmc scrapes the correct movie 99.9% of the time (one time cp appended the wrong year and caused xbmc to scrape the wrong movie)
Yep, I think it is a personally preference type thing:

Manual Control: Ember, Media Companion, ect
Automated local files: SB, CP, HP
Automated to the DB: XBMC Scrapers

I have noticed that too aptalca, that if I want to change an image I need to download it locally and go into Info and reset the image selecting local. It would be nice (maybe I am doing something wrong) to see the options from the scraper I set for the source. I had an issue where I got other language posters for something that had English posters available. I may have to look at CP and see if Rudd could add something to have preferred words like he does for NZB searches.
HTPC: Acer Revo 3610 (openELEC 3.0.2) with Aeon Nox (4)
NAS: unRAID 5rc12a on an Intel 3GHz Core2Duo with 4GB of RAM and 5 2TB WD EARS Green Drives
Running: SickBeard, CouchPotato v2, Headphones, Maraschino, Plex and SimplePlugins
Yep, xbmc's scrapers look for local art first when scraping. If they exist, the scraper does not scrape the info from the web, just saves the local art into the database and thumbnails.

If you want to change them later on, you have to refresh the movie or show, and when it asks you if it should ignore local metadata and search online, you have to select yes. The downside is, if it is a show, then xbmc scraper will rescrape *everything* from the net, and it might end up changing all the season posters, banners and fanart. The upside is once you let xbmc scrape from the internet, it will give you many options next time you go into info and try to change the pic.
Yeah, I just tend to go find the one I want or rename the one downloaded with Artwork Downloader and go into info and select local (which is now the one I downloaded/renamed) and I am good to go no issue with it re-downloading the show/season/ep info.
HTPC: Acer Revo 3610 (openELEC 3.0.2) with Aeon Nox (4)
NAS: unRAID 5rc12a on an Intel 3GHz Core2Duo with 4GB of RAM and 5 2TB WD EARS Green Drives
Running: SickBeard, CouchPotato v2, Headphones, Maraschino, Plex and SimplePlugins

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