Since im not able to use a script that show synced lyrics...
Is it possible to integrate minilyrics?
It already has integrated lots of players
I think if we can easily downloadd minilyrics, then it is not really neccessary for integrate them by ourselves Big Grin
LRC Lyrics and now CU LRC Lyrics (merge CU and LRC Lyrics), use scraper minilyrics for search lyrics, look info in respectives threads.
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Yeah i. Know, thx , this can be closed
(2012-12-06, 11:50)hayliegreen Wrote: I think if we can easily downloadd minilyrics, then it is not really neccessary for integrate them by ourselves Big Grin

Yes, but Minilyrics doesn't support KODI as a separate add on like using it with WMP or WinAmp. KODI with CU lyrics scans the MiniLyrics database for lyrics but doesn't always work well.

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