Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
HP 5187-4592 not recognized after warm or cold start
This isn't really an XBMC issue but I see people are using this receiver and I wanted to see if anyone else has had this problem.

I have two MSI E350 boards and from day one with this remote it doesn't get recognized by Windows 7 (using 64-bit) on a warm or cold boot. It shows up as an unknown device in Device Manager until I unplug it and plug it in again. After that it is recognized as a eHome receiver and works fine. It also works fine after resume from S3 sleep. But as soon as I have to reboot its back to the un-plug/plug routine.

I also have a 5188-1667 receiver and it doesn't do this.

Anyone else run into this with this receiver?
it is pretty easy to figure out if the PC is the problem... just try a different computer and see if the results are the same.
I'm not an expert but I play one at work.

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HP 5187-4592 not recognized after warm or cold start0