Frodo PVR backend with Series record
Hi there,

I've been dying to get my mits on XBMC PVR so reallly pleased with Frodo - it's *so quick!*! Amazingly I managed to get the back-end (MediaPortal) up and running (bar a few MySQL install problems!) and integrated with XBMC first time but realised now that Series record isn't available yet - which for me is a really important step making XBMC a full on replacement for WMC.

It sounds like FTR might be an alternate back-end that could do series record (outside of XBMC) but it looks like devt has stopped in favour of Argus and some are even using FTR as a middleman between MP and XBMC. Is there a recommended way to get Series Record out of XBMC (that works in Frodo) ??

Thank you![/u]
The XBMC Timer GUI does not provide enough options/flexibility for me to provide all Series recording options that MediaPortal offers.
The only series recording option supported from the XBMC GUI is: "same time, same channel, multiple days" (where you can select the days of the week).

As far as I know right now, "Argus TV" is just the new name of the "ForTheRecord Argus TV tuner" and its development will be continued open-source.

Developer of the MediaPortal PVR addon and retired developer of the Argus-TV PVR-addon.
Thanks Margro - I've seen a few conversations about potential for Series Record in future - stupid question I know but you think we might have this in eg RC1 ?

I'm in the slightly weird position of still running WMC to do my recordings and XBMC to watch them. I'd *love* to leave WMC behind - it's godawful slow and randomly refuses to acknowledge that my tuners exist. Running both like that just shows how much better XBMC is (or could be in the future for my purposes!) and exponentially increases my loathing for WMC :-) but all of that said, and I hate to say this, for all of its flaws WMC does "just work". Gah. I'll definitely have a go with Argus though - my dream ( i think it's a pipedream but would be interested on your thoughts) is a future XBMC with built-in back end and EPG solution that users could enable that would run out-of-the box - I might be in the minority on that but it would be great.
No chance for Frodo. Only bugfixes are accepted in Frodo and this is considered as a new feature.
Developer of the MediaPortal PVR addon and retired developer of the Argus-TV PVR-addon.

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